Part 29

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"What?" Stevie asked, slightly amused by the confused look on Lindsey's face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You want to go in there?" He emphasized, pointing his finger at a dodgy looking diner. 

"Why are you so surprised?" She replied with a question as well, readjusting her sunglasses resting on the bridge of her nose. 

"Well..." Lindsey scratched the back of his head, looking around. "It doesn't seem very Stevie Nicks-ish."

Laughing, she playfully slapped his arm and turned to open the passenger's side door. "I'm not always fancy." She shrugged, waiting for him to join her. "There are two reasons, why I suggested we come here."

"Oh, yeah? Please, enlighten me." Lindsey stood in front of her, arms crossed over his chest, still skeptical.

"For one, this reminds me of those old-timey diners that you can mostly see in movies now. Second, the people that work there, could not be less interested in famous rockstars." Stevie explained, then added. "Actually, there's a third reason." The smile on her face seemed so genuine, so adorable. "Their strawberry milkshakes are to die for!"

"Hey." Lindsey loosened his arms and wrapped one around her shoulders. "I'm sold!"

The ding of the bell above the door signaled their arrival. Several heads turned their way, before everyone returned to whatever they were doing just as quickly and just as uninterested. Lindsey took in the décor and thought, Stevie was right, he did feel like he was transported back a few decades. As he followed her into one of the booths, he smiled at seemingly the only waitress and she replied with a cheerful, hello.

"How on earth did you find this place?" Lindsey leaned in closer to whisper. 

"I drove by a couple of times before I finally decided to stop and go in." Stevie shrugged, already knowing exactly what she was going to get, when she noticed the waitress coming their way.

"You don't drive." Lindsey said, giving her a look.

"Well, I didn't say, I was behind the wheel, did I?" Stevie returned his pointed look. "I used to come here from time to time, when my life was a lot more difficult. For some reason, it always made me feel better."

"What can I get ya?" The waitress, a woman in her forties or so, interrupted them.

"I, uh-" Lindsey stuttered, he hadn't picked up the menu yet. His eyes darted back to Stevie. "I don't know."

She ordered for them both and the waitress scribbled everything down quickly, looking up again, waiting if there was more to come. "Oh and two strawberry milkshakes, please." The woman gave a small nod of her head and left them alone. 

"So." Lindsey began and a smirk slowly formed on his face. "Am I your dirty little secret now, huh?"

"It makes me feel like I'm 16-years-old." Stevie laughed, leaning back in her seat. "I thought, you'd never be my anything again."

"How are you doing? You know, considering everything..." Lindsey trailed off, he didn't have to spit it out.

"Well, I, uh..." She shrugged. "I know, I should feel much worse than I do if that gives you any idea."

"Did Kyle have any questions, when you came home?" He hoped, her return went smoothly, he didn't want to be the cause of any problems. 

"Some." Stevie nodded. "But he didn't interrogate me or anything like that. I told him, it's very likely that we're going on tour and surprisingly he was okay with that."

"Or he just said, he was okay with that." Lindsey doubted. 

"I think, he just doesn't want to stir the pot, you know? Things were rocky to begin with, then we had that argument right before I had to leave. I think, he's just afraid that I'll want to break up again." Stevie sighed, eyeing the two tall, pink glasses the waitress was carrying over. "Before you ask, I don't know, what I want."

"I'm not-" Lindsey stopped himself. "Okay, maybe I was thinking about it, but I'm not pressuring you into anything, you know that, right?"

"It wouldn't end well if you did." She pointed out and he sadly had to agree. "I didn't think, I would ever find myself in this position again, but..." She paused, biting into her lower lip, looking slightly guilty. "There's finally something exciting going on in my life again. I shouldn't be doing this, I know it's wrong, but at the same time, it feels..."

"Right?" Lindsey offered, at the risk of sounding cliché. "I'll be your dirty little secret." He shrugged, a grin spreading across his face.

"Shuttup." Stevie giggled like a schoolgirl on her first date, tossing her unused straw at him. 

"Hey, wanna drive to a make out spot after this?" Lindsey teased, catching her hand, before she could throw at him something else. That seemed to subdue her and he brought one of her hands up to his lips.

"You've asked me if I'm happy several times." Stevie said. "I am now."

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