Part 3

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"Lindsey? Lindsey?" Stevie had to repeat his name a couple more times, before she finally captured his attention. "You haven't heard a word I said, have you?"

"No, uh... sorry, I'm just..." Lindsey gave her a one sided smile as he watched Stevie and Aimee on a blanket, laid out on the floor of the family room. "You're so good with her. Everything you do just seems to come so naturally to you."

"Well, she had been the only missing piece for a long time." Stevie smiled, taking one of the dolls from Aimee. "She's the most important person in my life." 

"I can tell." Lindsey nodded, then tried to make a funny face, when the girl looked his way. 

"So, you haven't told me anything about you yet." Stevie changed the subject and moved to sit on the couch. "What have you been up to these last few years?"

"Oh, you know." He shrugged, leaning back. "Mostly, I've just been working."

"On a solo project?" 

"I'm not really sure exactly. Possibly." Lindsey thought about it for a second as he scratched his chin. "Actually, I've met with Mick a few times. We discussed the idea of maybe Fleetwood Mac doing something again."

"Oh?" Stevie raised an eyebrow, wondering, which Fleetwood Mac he meant. "As in..."

"As in the five of us." Lindsey clarified and looked at her, trying to read her expression. "Please, don't think that's why I called. It's nothing really."

"Who knows, maybe someday." Stevie shrugged, not saying, no, immediately. "Besides music, anything else interesting going on?" She asked, hoping to sound nonchalant. 

"If you're asking if I'm seeing anyone, then, no." Lindsey shook his head. "I broke up with Cheri for good and I haven't really been interested in dating. All of my relationships have really been fu-" He stopped himself, mindful of the small child in the room. "They've not been very good. Maybe, I'm just not meant to be in a relationship."

"Don't say that." Stevie gave him a sympathetic look and lay her hand on his shoulder. "She'll come along."

"I think, she came into my life a very long time ago and just... Anyway." Lindsey waved it off, shifting in his seat.

As if Aimee could sense the change in Lindsey's mood, she pulled herself up and padded over to him. "Dowy."

"Uh-" Lindsey looked from Aimee to Stevie, who bit back a laugh. "I'm not fluent in baby talk."

"She's giving you a dolly." Stevie explained.

"Oh, oh." He settled his eyes on the girl again. "Thank you so much. It's a very pretty doll."

Aimee smiled and suddenly became shy as she rushed into her mother's awaiting arms. "Lindsey hasn't played with toys for a long time, baby, he doesn't really know, what to do with it." She spoke to Aimee, then pressed a big kiss to her cheek. 

"I really don't." Lindsey nodded with a light chuckle. "When's her birthday?"

"You just missed it." Stevie replied, pulling her arms away, when Aimee began to fuss, before she went back to her toys. "June 19th."

"That doesn't stop me from bringing a belated birthday present the next time we see each other." He pointed out, to which Stevie smiled. "What?"

"We're going to see each other again?"

"Absolutely." He confirmed with a firm nod of his head.

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