Part 45

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A few months later

"Are you sure, you have everything, sweetheart?" Stevie asked, looking through Aimee's bag. "Toys, books?"

"Yes, mamma." The girl nodded as she sat on the edge of her bed, swinging her legs. "I'm weady."

A knock on the doorframe caught Stevie's attention and she looked over her shoulder at Lindsey. "Kyle's here."

"You let him in?" 

"I wasn't aware I was supposed to leave him waiting outside." Lindsey shrugged, hands in his jeans pockets. He held his hand out for Stevie, when he saw her move to stand up. "He's downstairs."

Aimee had already ran out of the room at the mention of her father's name, leaving her things behind. With the packed bag, Stevie turned to walk out as well, Lindsey trailed behind. She stopped and gave him a look.

"You're not a secret, you know." She said. 

"I know." Lindsey nodded, hugging her around the shoulders. "I still kinda feel weird about it, though."

"Being with me is weird?" Stevie raised an eyebrow at him and saw his Adam's apple rise and fall slowly. 

"That's not what I meant." He lowered his voice. "I can't get into the man's head. I've no clue, what he thinks of me. I'm sure he must hate me."

"Should you really be worried about what my ex thinks of you?" Cupping his cheek, she pecked him on this lips. "We made our choices. We weren't good for each other." She told him for the nth time. They had the same conversation every time Kyle came over to pick up Aimee.

"Right." Lindsey nodded once. "And you're with me now. You love me. I love you." 

"Yeah." Stevie nodded with a smile. "It's just that simple." 

Convinced for the time being, Lindsey turned to head downstairs, his arm wrapped around Stevie, making sure her short journey down the stairs was a safe one. If it were up to him, she would stay in bed all day every day.

"Hey." Stevie greeted Kyle. "Aimee insists, she has everything." She added and handed over their daughter's bag. 

"I'm sure we'll be fine." Kyle replied with a one sided smile. He couldn't resist lowering his eyes to her growing belly. "How are you?"

"Uh..." Stevie trailed off and Lindsey excused himself, saying, he was going to let the dog out. "I'm doing well. Never thought I'd go through this again, but I'm alright."

"Good, I'm glad." Kyle said. He regretted saying, he didn't want to be a part of it again, every day. He was angry and hurt then, he didn't stop and consider the fact that the baby could be his long enough. "I'm sure that you're well taken care of."

"Absolutely." She nodded. "We're just focusing on the little one getting here safe and healthy right now. It's a relief not having to worry about the tour."

"Oh, so it's cancelled?" Kyle asked, ignoring Aimee, who kept tugging at his hand. 

"No, rescheduled." Stevie clarified. "We're going to tape a live show in a couple of weeks, while I can still hide under my clothes and shawls, but the tour is gonna have to wait."

"Right, well... I'm happy for you." The smile on his face was weak, but it seemed sincere. "We better get going."

"Have fun." Stevie smiled back and said goodbye to her daughter. "I love you, baby."

"Bye, mamma!" Aimee practically ran out the door, when Kyle pulled it open.

"Take care." He said, before stepping outside as well.

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