Part 16

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"What?" Kyle asked, when he caught Stevie staring at him.

"Nothing." She shrugged and a sincere smiled crossed her lips. "You look very handsome, that's all."

"Oh, thanks." He reached for her hand and laced their fingers together as they sat in the backseat of a hired car. "You look perfect as always." He added and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.

Over a week had passed since Kyle had moved in. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't a bit worried during the first couple of days. Stevie didn't seem particularly excited about the sudden change, which she herself had suggested. However, he was beginning to notice a shift in her mood for the better, which made him believe that she had to be just a little nervous at first.

"I hope, tonight's not going to be awkward." Kyle said, catching Stevie's attention again.

"What makes you say that?"

"I mean..." He shrugged, surprised she had to ask. "Mick organized this dinner for the band, which I'm clearly not a part of."

"True, but his wife is going to be there as well." Stevie encouraged him with a smile. "If Fleetwood Mac is going to be a thing again, then I want you to get to know them."

"Lindsey is going to be there, too." Kyle added, hearing a quiet sigh. "I'm sure, he doesn't like me very much."

"He doesn't know you yet, you don't know him either." Stevie tried to make it sound like it wasn't a problem at all, which she knew, it was probably going to be. "He knows that we're together. Besides, we're just friends. I'm sure Lindsey isn't even interested anymore."

Kyle could only hope. He didn't speak up again and silence settled around them for the remainder of the drive. When the car stopped, Kyle got out first and held his hand for Stevie. Once she climbed out too, he slid his arm around her waist, keeping her close.

"I see them." Kyle whispered, because Stevie barely saw anything even with her contacts in. 

A strange relief washed over her, when Stevie realized that Lindsey had not yet arrived. Kyle was not a secret, she shouldn't be so nervous. She wanted to convince herself that Lindsey had no intentions, that he truly just wanted to be her friend, but she knew him too well. He had always had difficulty seeing her with other men. 

"Good evening." Stevie spoke up and Mick was already on his feet, crushing her in a hug.

"I have missed you." Mick gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze as he drew back a little. "My God, you look fantastic!"

"Stop." She rolled her eyes and moved on to Christine.

"Kyle." Mick tipped his head, holding out his hand.

"Hi, nice to see you again." Kyle smiled, shaking Mick's hand, thinking that the grip was unnecessarily tight.

"You too." Mick replied, but he didn't sound all that sincere. "I'd like you to meet my wife." 

"Lynn." She stood up, giving him a genuine smile, mainly because Mick had not let her in much on Stevie's personal life. "Nice to meet you."

While the group were saying their hellos, the last party arrived. He watched the smiles on everyone's faces, he heard their voices as he was coming closer. He felt a strong feeling rise up, when his eyes settled on two people in particular. He clenched his fists and breathed heavily, repeating to himself that he needed to calm down. He narrowed his eyes, when he saw Kyle stretching out his arm to wrap it around Stevie's shoulders. 

"Lindsey!" Mick's voice snapped him out of it.

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