Part 9

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AN: I feel like this story is going to have a lot more chapters than I'd originally planned. This is going to be one of those, where I don't want to rush. I hope I'm not boring you. Nothing's really happened yet, but we'll get there.


The weekend passed by in a blink of an eye. It was good though, Stevie had been in a desperate need of time for herself and she didn't even know it. Friday night was nice. The time she spent with Lindsey made her very positive about their future. He was the same Lindsey she'd known for years and at the same time, he had changed. He seemed to want to be around her, to talk and listen to her. He listened to her as she poured her heart out, letting him in on her and Kyle's relationship and he really didn't have to. Ten years ago or so he wouldn't have. Once she got most of it off her chest, they changed the subject and he stayed for a while longer. There had always been that pull between them, it didn't matter if they were friendly or they hated each other, however, after seeing the new and improved version of Lindsey, Stevie couldn't deny that the pull had gotten a little stronger. 

Stevie spent the majority of Saturday at home. She did go out for some shopping, but mostly she spent the time alone, treating herself to a nice bubble bath, junk food and a silly romcom. She wrote in her journal, which helped her to sort out the emotions that were currently running through her. She wrote about Kyle and she wrote about Lindsey - both men had woken up different feelings in her heart during the past couple of days. 

Sunday came quickly. Stevie allowed herself to sleep a bit longer than she normally would these days. After light breakfast, she didn't have much free time before she started cooking a meal, which would have to be ready around the time Kyle and Aimee returned. 

The doorbell rang just past 3 pm. Drying her hands on a kitchen towel, Stevie went to answer the door and a wide grin spread across her face at the sight of her daughter. The girl was just excited, wrapping herself around her mother. 

"I've missed you so much, baby." Stevie held Aimee tightly in her arms, planting kisses all over the girl's cheeks. "Did you have a good time at grandma and grandpa's?" 

"Yes!" Aimee nodded and showed to her pigtails. "Granma made me pwetty."

"Oh, she did?" Stevie smiled, pulling back to take a better look. "You're just the prettiest little girl in the whole world now, aren't you?" 

"Yes." Aimee nodded again, making her parents laugh.

"Hey, Aims? Be a good girl and take your backpack to your room, okay?" Kyle asked, handing it to her. Without any complaints, Aimee took her things and ran up the stairs. "Hey."

"Hi." Stevie replied, facing Kyle, after she'd made sure that Aimee made it safe up the staircase.

"I'm sorry about Friday night." He said, a guilty expression on his face. "I was completely out of line. I forgot to do something you'd asked me to do and I shouldn't have yelled because you were upset."

"No, you shouldn't have." Stevie agreed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Maybe I overreacted a bit as well." 

"Are we good?" Kyle asked, a glimpse of a smile on his lips. 

Breathing out heavily, she nodded her head. "Yeah." 

"I've been thinking about... things lately." Kyle began, seeing her raise her eyebrows slightly as she waited for him to continue. "We've been stuck on trying to work things out between us, but I don't think that anything's really happening. I want to respect your wishes of taking it slow, but... I'm afraid that nothing's ever going to happen." Stevie didn't interrupt, wanting to hear, where he was going with that. "It's nice, when we get to spend time together, but I feel like I mostly come here to be with Aimee and that's great, but I don't really get to be with you." She was still giving him nothing, but he'd already gotten in too far to back out. "I'd like to take you out, do something together, just you and I."

Her defenses slightly weakened, she unfolded her arms and began fidgeting with a ring on her finger. "What does that mean? Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Yeah." Kyle nodded. "I am."

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