Part 44

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Even though Lindsey desperately wanted to, Stevie didn't stay long enough for them to finish their conversation. She had already said too much anyway. As soon as the interview was over, Karen grabbed Stevie by the hand and rushed her out of the building and into the car. Why couldn't he just believe her? If not believe, at least accept that she didn't want to open up to him, not about this, when she had no idea, what she was going to do to begin with.

When Karen brought Stevie home, she was told, she didn't have to stay. Stevie just wanted to be alone. For once, she was glad, well, maybe relieved that she didn't have to take care of her daughter. Aimee was staying with her Auntie Lori for the night. She went straight for the bedroom the second she shut the front door.

On top of feeling miserable emotionally, Stevie felt a headache coming. She took off the clothes she was wearing and dropped them on the floor, which she never normally did. She then closed the curtains and got under the cover, pulling them over her head.

She fell asleep almost right away and she didn't have a clue what time it was, when a faint sound woke her up. Unsure of what it was at first, Stevie soon realized that someone was ringing the doorbell. Well, not someone, it was likely Lindsey. She couldn't just ignore him, she knew, he'd stay until she'd eventually let him in. 

He was slightly taken aback, when he saw her. He wanted to pull her into his arms and swear that everything was going to be okay. "You're pregnant."

Stevie parted her lips, her eyebrows creased. She then decided not to ask, how he knew, she just nodded her head. She took a step back and let him come in. 

"It's okay." Lindsey said and saw her eyes well up with tears. "It's going to be okay, I promise." He added, wrapping his arms around her. 

As soon as he pulled her against his chest, she started crying. He wasn't sure, what to say, so he kept his mouth shut and tried soothing her the best he could. One arm remained tightly around her waist, while he brought his other hand up and tangled his fingers in her hair. He could feel his shirt getting wet, but she'd been clearly bottling this all up and he was going to allow her to let it all out.

"I told Kyle about us." Stevie spoke up after she'd finally managed to calm herself down, but she still held onto him. "We talked for hours. I told him everything. He moved out a couple of days later."

"Did you tell him about the baby?" Lindsey asked, assuming it was Kyle's.

"I did. He said, he couldn't do this, not anymore." She sniffled and pulled back slightly. "I don't think I can do this, Lindsey."

"Yes, you can." He replied, cupping her face in the palms of his hands. "You can absolutely do this."

"No, I can't!" She yelled out and repeated. "I can't! I'm all alone! I have my hands full with Aimee. I'm not strong enough. I'm old! I haven't figured out, what I would tell the band. What about the tour-"

"Hey..." Lindsey shushed her, not giving in to her hysterics. "Hey, listen to me." He wiped away her tears. "You're the strongest person I know. And you're not alone. You have so many people, who love you. You have me, Stevie. Tours can be postponed, who even cares about that?"

"I don't deserve you." She shook her head, blinking rapidly as if she could prevent a fresh set of tears. "I- I don't even know, who's the father of this baby..." She cast her eyes down, ashamed. "It could have happened while we were in New York or right after, when I came home."

He stilled. There was a possibility that she was carrying his child? His? "Don't say that you don't deserve me. Stevie, for the past several months I've been trying to show you that I'm still very much in love with you. If you think that I'm going to leave you now, you're crazy. Nothing matters, certainly not the fucking tour. We'll figure something out." He promised, seeing a tiny bit of hope coming back to her. "And I couldn't care less if this baby isn't mine." He brought his hand down and placed it on her belly. "This baby is a part of you and I'm going to love them regardless. I love you. Let me be there for you. Let me-" He paused, feeling himself getting emotional as well. "Let me be with you. Every step of the way." He added and anxiously waited for her response.

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