Part 14

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"You should at least get a dog." Stevie pointed out as Lindsey was giving her a tour of his house. "This place is massive! Don't you get lonely?" She realized how that might have sounded as soon as she let the words out of her mouth. "I didn't mean-"

"It's fine." Lindsey waved it off, now leading the way to his home studio. "I've actually thought about getting a dog, just not one of those creatures you like." He teased and her eyes grew wide.

"What's wrong with my dog?"

"Nothing." Lindsey laughed, shaking his head. "I just like the ones that come up to my knees at least." He shrugged and opened the door for her. "Make yourself comfortable." He showed to the couch and she took a seat, looking around.

"This is pretty cozy." Stevie said. She thought, his studio had the most homey feel compared to the rest of the mansion. "I'm not surprised you practically live here."

"I don't feel as lonely in here." Lindsey referred to what she said minutes ago. "Right, so..." He paused, sitting down. "I haven't been completely honest with you."

"Oh?" Stevie's eyebrows creased slightly. 

"Yeah. Mick and I have been having these jam sessions lately. Usually, it's just the two of us, but we had Christine come in once, too." Lindsey began explaining, feeling his hands getting a bit sweaty. "And it's been great, a lot of fun actually." He added, taking a second to read her expression. "And, uh..."

"Lindsey, it's just me." Stevie smiled at him, thinking, it was pretty adorable, how nervous he was. 

"Right, you're right." He nodded. "Mick and I got to talking one night that maybe it would also be a lot of fun for all of us to get together. No promises, no contracts, just us."

"A Fleetwood Mac reunion." She said, what he wouldn't.

"Well, not necessarily." Lindsey shrugged. "Who knows, maybe the magic is gone." Stevie scoffed and he laughed lightly. "Right. In my opinion, I think, this would be great, it would be really good for us. The way I ended things with the band..." He trailed off, shaking his head. "I don't want that to end the history of the five of us. Ten years have passed, so much has changed, we as people have changed and I think, we'd be crazy not to give this a chance."

"Is everyone in on this already?" Stevie asked, cocking her head to one side as she watched Lindsey shift uncomfortably in his seat. 

"Not... exactly in." He replied, wiping his palms on his jeans. "But there's... well, we've all kind of talked about it, yeah." 

"God, you're so nervous." Stevie chuckled, which made him sigh in relief. "I'm not surprised that I wasn't the first person you approached, Lindsey. A lot more has happened between you and I than anyone else in the band. I understand."

"Exactly!" Lindsey exclaimed, nodding his head. "I don't want you to think that I was going to leave you out or something. No, it's either all five of us or nothing. I swear, I would have talked to you about this sooner, but I wasn't exactly betting on you having a three-year-old out of nowhere, when I came to see you that first time. I didn't want you to say, no, before I had a chance to make my case."

"And I'm not saying, no-" There was a but coming, he knew it. "But... It's not that easy anymore. You're right, I have to consider everything first. There's obviously my daughter and, uh..." She looked away, a little hesitant to continue. "And there's Kyle. This decision affects him, too. Who knows, maybe we'll decide to go on the road next year or something."

"Absolutely." Lindsey agreed, but he had a feeling there was more to what she'd said.

"He has to be okay with this as well." Stevie added, hoping Lindsey would read her mind and understand, what she was struggling to come out with. 

"Does this mean that you're... that you've worked things out?" Lindsey placed his hand on his knee as if hoping it would stop it from bouncing. 

Stevie gave a small nod of her head. "Yeah, he's moving back in over the weekend."

A long moment of tense silence followed. Stevie couldn't think of anything to add to ease the tension and Lindsey just stayed quiet.

"Right, so, I promised to play you some demos." Lindsey spoke up eventually and turned his back to her.

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