Part 43

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"Maybe you should have stayed at home." Stevie didn't even glance at her assistant as she continued staring out the window at the city passing by. "You don't really seem up to doing any interviews."

"The band has just announced the reunion, there would be questions if I didn't show up." She replied without much emotion in her voice. "I'll be fine. I've made appearances in a worse state."

"At least you won't be on your own." Karen added. "And hopefully it won't take long."

Stevie didn't respond to that, she just sighed and leaned her head against the window. The past month hadn't been easy. There no longer was any trace of Kyle in her home and as overwhelmed as she felt, when he had moved back in, she couldn't ignore the overall feeling of emptiness now that he was gone again. Breaking up was the right thing to do, she knew that much. He loved her, she loved the idea of having a man by her side and a family with him. He was completely devoted to her, she was still in love with her ex. He wanted to marry her, she wanted to marry someone else. The only thing they both wanted was the absolute best for their daughter.

"We're here." Karen announced, when Stevie didn't seem to notice that the car had stopped. "Would you maybe like a minute alone?"

Shaking her head, Stevie unfastened the seatbelt and pushed the passenger's side door open. She kept her shades on and her head low, when her assistant guided her through the building and to the rest of the band. 

Stevie hadn't seen anyone from Fleetwood Mac since Kyle had left. She answered a few phone calls from Mick and Lindsey, but she always had an excuse not to meet with them. Mick didn't push, but Lindsey knew, something was wrong. He had picked up his car keys and was already on his way to Stevie's several times, but each time, he turned around. Maybe she wanted to be left alone, he needed to respect that. He still would have liked to know what had caused the sudden change in their relationship.

"Look who's here!" Mick's voice boomed around the room and everyone's eyes settled on Stevie.

With a weak smile on her face, she gave a small wave. "Hello."

She didn't want any attention. She wanted to sit by herself, wait for the interview to start, get it over with and leave. No such look. She expected that. 

"Hey." Lindsey approached her and took a seat on her left. "I've missed you."

"We spoke on the phone last week." Stevie replied with a shrug, avoiding his stare.

"That's not exactly what I meant." He said, red flags flashing everywhere. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Nothing's going on. I'm fine. Everything's fine."

Based on that response, Lindsey was pretty sure that things were the complete opposite from fine. "I thought, we were talking to each other this time."

"Lindsey, I really don't want to talk to you. Or anyone." She added. "I'm just... I came here, because I had to, but I cannot wait to leave."

If they were having this conversation ten years ago, Lindsey would have already gotten offended and stormed off. "Steph, I'm worried. Something's clearly happened and I want to know if I can help you."

"No, I don't believe you can." Stevie shook her head slightly, swallowing the lump of tears in her throat. 

"Come on, try me?" He lay has hand on her shoulder in hopes to make her look at him. 

Taking a deep breath, she faced him and he saw a tear slip down her cheek. "I don't think there's anything you can do about Kyle leaving me when I'm-"

"Right, guys! Enough chit-chat." Mick clapped his hands together. "Let's do this!"

Stevie stood up and was ready to walk away, when she felt Lindsey's hand taking hers. "Stevie-"

"No." She cut him off, shaking her head. "We have to go."

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