Part 15

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Stevie was about to have a panic attack. Just yesterday, her beautifully decorated bedroom was just the way she liked it and now it was littered with boxes and suitcases of Kyle's clothes. As she looked at his stuff, she suddenly wasn't so sure about her decision anymore. They broke up, when Aimee was barely a year old and Stevie had gotten used to everything being in a certain order. Kyle's presence had disrupted it. She didn't want to start an argument on his second day in her, no, their house, but the mess was driving her mad.

"Hey, do you think you could move some of your stuff?" Kyle asked from the walk-in closet. "There's barely any space for my things."

Taking a few deep breaths, Stevie went to him and gritted her teeth, seeing several items of her clothing carelessly dropped on the floor. "These are expensive." She said, picking her clothes up, she put them back on the hangers. 

"Oh, sorry." Kyle smiled sheepishly. "I didn't see-"

"Well, be more careful then." She cut him off. "You don't need more space, you need to be neater." Hearing her own tone of voice, Stevie squeezed out a smile as if to let him know that she wasn't angry. "You know that you can put several pairs of pants together, right? Everything doesn't have to be spread out in one layer."

He watched her, noticing how tense she was. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Stevie asked, taking over the task of folding his shirts.

"You just seem..." Kyle shrugged, thinking about the right word. "I don't know, a bit off, I guess."

"I'm okay." She assured and was about to usher him out, feeling as if the walls were closing in on her. 

"Be honest with me." He half asked, half pleaded. 

"I'm fine." Stevie insisted, turning to face him. "Seriously, everything's fine." She hoped her smile would convince him as she placed her hands on his chest as well. "You have nothing to worry about."


"Yes." She nodded and intended to pull away, but his hold on her tightened. "There's a lot of work that needs to be done."

"It can wait." Kyle shrugged. "It's not like I'm going anywhere."

Before she could even think of another excuse, his lips were pressed to hers as he held her firmly against his front. Not without some effort, he pried her lips open and wasted no time slipping his tongue into her mouth. Maybe, that's all he needs. She kissed him back, sighing softly, when his hands began to wander, which wasn't entirely an act. If they were going to have sex, she was not about to do it in the goddamn closet. Taking a step forward, she walked him out into the bedroom and turned towards the bed-

Then the phone started ringing. 

"Leave it." Kyle said, but Stevie pulled away. "Come on, they'll call back."

"No, they're going to wake Aimee up from her nap." Stevie rushed to pick up the phone and was slightly disappointed, when she felt him getting close again from behind. "Stop it." She tried to fight him off, when he reached a particularly ticklish spot. 

"Nope." Kyle shook his head and received a glare, when Stevie picked up the phone. 

Another girlish giggle escaped her as she opened her mouth to speak to the caller. "Hello?" Pointing a finger at Kyle, she made sure he kept his distance.

"What's so funny?" 

"Oh, Mick, hi!" Stevie greeted him excitedly, knowing it was going to be a long conversation.

With a heavy sigh, Kyle turned around and walked away.

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