Part 46

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"He's a natural." 

Stevie barely glanced at Mick before her eyes settled on Lindsey again. "He's the best. No offence." She added.

"None taken." Mick waved it off with a laugh. "I can't believe the little man is one today."

"The time passes by unfairly fast." Stevie nodded, watching Lindsey and their son as he helped the boy balance on his tiny feet, the mane of dirty blonde curls on his head bouncing with each small step.

"How long do you reckon it's gonna take baby Aaron to hit his Tusk phase and cut all of that hair off?" Mick joked, nudging Stevie.

"Oh dear God, I hope, never!" She laughed, shaking her head. "But if it does happen, I pray it's when he's already out of the house. I couldn't go through that again."

Squeezing her shoulder, Mick smiled. "It warms my heart, seeing you two like this."

"Thank you, Mick." Stevie lay her hand over his for a short moment before he walked away.

It seemed like for the first time that day Stevie finally had some time alone. It almost felt like a red carpet event; close friends and family, friends from the industry, just about everyone they knew came to wish Stevie and Lindsey's son a happy first birthday. The boy clearly enjoyed the attention and he was quite an entertainer already, not that anyone was surprised. She smiled, hearing Aaron's laughter while Christine sang some old English song to him, of which he didn't understand a word of course. 

A pair of arms wrapped around her waist and Stevie leaned back, covering Lindsey's clasped hands with her own. "Hey."

"Hey." She echoed, turning her head for a quick kiss. 

"I'm afraid, we're gonna have to buy a new house for all the presents." Lindsey joked, looking over at the pile of wrapped gifts. "All those toys and Aaron's still going to be more interested in playing with the empty boxes."

"That's true." Stevie chuckled lightly, nodding her head. 

"How come the mother doesn't get any gifts?" 

Thinking that was a strange question, she turned around and raised an eyebrow. "What have you done?"

"Nothing." Lindsey shrugged. "I swear. Oh, except for..."

Curious, she waited, while he struggled to get whatever it was from his pocket. Her heart began beating faster as soon as she saw the small gift box he presented her with. "Linds?"


"What is that?" Stevie asked, unable to tear her eyes away from his extended hand.

"Why don't you open it and find out?" He responded with a question back and waited. 

Her mouth had suddenly gone dry as she took the box from him with shaky hands. Was she just being silly? It could easily be a pair of earrings. Or not even jewelry or anything else that expensive. 

A small gasp escaped her and he knew, he did well. He kept his mouth shut, though. It was a very bold move. If she thought that he was simply giving her a beautiful diamond ring, then so be it. If she thought that he was proposing to her, then even better. It took some time for Stevie to look up and lock eyes with Lindsey. She could tell that he was nervous and so was she. 

"Yes." She said at last.

"Yes?" He asked to make sure.

Her eyes brimmed with tears as she nodded her answer once more before giving him a kiss, seemingly having forgotten about all of the people that were surrounding them.


The end


Thank you all so much for reading! I didn't think that this story was going to end up with so many chapters, but I really enjoyed writing it ♥

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