Part 31

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"Were you spying on me?" After a short pause Stevie asked, trying to make it sound like a joke, but Kyle didn't laugh or even crack a smile. "Yes."

"Why?" Kyle folded his arms over his chest, an eyebrow raised. "I thought, you said, you were going out shopping with your assistant?"

"Yes, I did, and it's true." Stevie replied calmly. "Then we stopped to eat and bumped into Lindsey, he joined us." She shrugged. Lying came so naturally, when she had to make sure her relationship with Lindsey remained a secret. "Honestly, we just ate together, talked a bit and he offered to drive me home."

Breathing deeply, heavily Kyle kept his eyes on Stevie. He wanted to believe her, but he couldn't quite ignore that little voice, telling him that she was holding something back. While Kyle was processing the information, Stevie stood, staring back at him as if trying to see into his mind, know, what was going through it.

"It's not easy for me, okay?" Kyle sighed, some of the tension leaving his body. "When we were first together, I didn't have to deal with this, with him. Given your history, I can't-" He paused, almost feeling ashamed to finish the sentence. "I can't completely trust you, when you're with him. Especially alone." He added.

"You have nothing to worry about." Stevie forced a smile and closed the gap between them. "He and I are just friends." She assured, cradling his face in the palms of her hands, she pecked him on the lips. Friends that had sex the first chance they got to be alone and away from home. Friends, who kiss. Friends, who grope each other, when they think, no one is looking. "It's going to be very difficult if you keep questioning me, Kyle. This is the exact reason, why so many - all - of my relationships have failed in the past." Stevie pointed out, taking a step back. "While I'm at home, you see me, you know, where I go, you know that I come back and sleep in our bed. What will happen, when I have to leave? When I start rehearsals for the tour, when I eventually go on the road?" She asked, his face fell slightly more with each question. "Will you call me once an hour, will you come visit unannounced? What?"

"I'd like to say, no." Kyle gulped, shaking his head. "The thing is..." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I trust you, I don't trust him."

You shouldn't trust either of us, Stevie thought. "We're just friends." She repeated. "I'm sure, Lindsey's not interested anymore. He's at the stage in a rockstar's life, where he should start going out with a 20-something-year-old soon." She laughed, not entirely sincerely. 

One corner of Kyle's mouth turned upwards and he nodded, reaching for her again. "Okay. Okay, I'm sorry." He said, enveloping her in his arms. "Just know that I might need some reassurance from time to time."

Crisis averted.


Hey! I'm sorry, I can't update regularly even though I want to. Life's been a little crazy lately. I'll try to post more even if I can only write short chapters at the moment.

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