Part 26

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Inhaling deeply, Stevie slowly opened her eyes the following morning. She couldn't deny that she was relieved, realizing that Lindsey was still with her. The small movement of his body let her know that he was awake already, which didn't surprise her. 

"Are you freaking out yet?" Lindsey asked, completely ignoring the emotional talk they had in the middle of the night.

Stevie chuckled lightly, shaking her head. "Does it look like I'm freaking out?"

"You might just be very good at hiding it." He shrugged and pressed his lips to her bare shoulder blade. 

"No, I'm... out of all things, I feel well rested." She said, reaching for his hand resting on her middle, she laced their fingers together. "What time is it?"

"Just past 10." Lindsey replied after he'd checked his watch. 

"And when are we meeting others for breakfast?" Stevie asked, regretting that she had agreed to it already.

"At 11." He said and followed with a sigh. They didn't have much time left together, he didn't want to have to get up and leave. 

"What if we just don't go?" She suggested and felt a smile spreading across his face, pressed up against her back. 

"That would look suspicious, no?" 

"Would they really be surprised, though?" Stevie didn't want to move either. She was too comfortable to start getting ready. Also, she didn't know, what was going to happen, once they left their safe little bubble. 

"Let's save the questioning looks for the tour." Lindsey said, placing a hand on her shoulder to roll her onto her back. "Hey."

"Hi." Stevie smiled, then kissed him, when he leaned in. "I wish, we could stay here, like this longer."

"Me too." He agreed, resting his chin on her chest. "This doesn't have to end with us walking out of this room, you know."

"You don't like sharing." She pointed out, running her fingers through his messy curls. "You definitely don't like sharing me."

"I'm willing to try." He shrugged, gliding his fingers back and forth over her collarbone. "I just... I'm afraid to lose you altogether."

"This whole situation scares me, Linds." She gave him a sad smile. "But I can't ask you to sacrifice a lot that you could have with someone else."

"Not interested." He replied and lay his head on her chest, he wrapped his arm around her tightly. 

"Yes, you are." She disagreed, lightly scratching his back. 

"Steph, let's not, okay?" He asked with a sigh. 

"Okay." She nodded, she wasn't interested in starting an argument.

They lay together for a while longer. The time was running out fast, but neither of the two made a move to separate them. They were going to be late, but that wasn't important. They'd been late before.

Lindsey was close to falling asleep again, when he got startled by a knock on the door. He tilted his chin up and Stevie gave a shrug of her shoulders. Whoever was on the other side, knocked again, pulling Stevie out of bed.

"Good morning." Mick grinned, ready to step inside, but Stevie stood in the doorway, preventing him from doing so. 

"Good morning." Stevie replied, forcing a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought, we could walk down together." He pointed to his watch. "We're already running late."

"Oh, uh... You go." She said. "Clearly, I'm not ready yet." 

"I'll wait."

"No, seriously, you don't have to." Stevie waved it off, already closing the door. "I'll be there in a few."

"Ste-" Mick tried, but that was as much as he got out.

Leaning up against the door, Stevie pinched the bridge of her nose, taking a few deep breaths. Here we go again, she thought, walking to the bedroom to usher Lindsey out of her room in secret.

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