Part 40

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Kyle's initial thought was to find out where Lindsey lived and go there straight away. He knew, there were reasons not to trust that man. He was ready to cause a massive scene and drag Stevie home kicking and screaming if it came to that. He was angry and upset, and not thinking rationally. 

While he went through a phonebook downstairs in hopes to maybe find an address attached to each person, Kyle managed to calm down even if only a little. Was that the right way to deal with the situation? No, of course it wasn't. If anything, he would just embarrass Stevie and she would definitely not leave with him. What if he was making things up? So what if she went to visit Lindsey and stayed overnight? Men and women could be friends, right? Even if the particular man and woman had a whole lotta history. No, he wasn't going anywhere, he was going to wait and see what Stevie had to say.

First minutes, then hours ticked away. Every time Kyle picked up on the sound of a car driving by, he went to look out the window. What if Stevie wasn't with Lindsey at all? What if something horrible had happened and his first thought was to start accusing her of sleeping around? He was suddenly disgusted with himself, however, the feeling didn't last much longer, when he heard voices after the front door opened and then closed. Voices. Two voices. Stevie and Aimee. At least she had the decency not to invite him into their home.

"Hey." Kyle spoke up, silencing Stevie mid-sentence. 

Her eyes grew wide at the sight of him. She tried to mask her true feelings and seem surprised instead. "When did you get back? Weren't you supposed to come home way past Aimee's bedtime?"

"I was." Kyle nodded once, his arms folded over his chest. "I caught an early flight. Just that you weren't here, when I came back."

"Uh- yeah..." Stevie didn't know what to say. 

"So, where were you two?" He focused on his daughter's face, when she dropped her backpack and ran up to him. 

"We... uh, we..." Goddammit. "Well, we went to see Lindsey yesterday. The time just disappeared, so, uh, my assistant couldn't take us home so late, so, Lindsey suggested, we stay the night."

Huh. Kyle's eyebrows slightly furrowed, he looked at her. He didn't think, she'd tell him the truth. "Couldn't he drive you?"

"Honestly, it just seemed easier to stay. Aimee was already half-asleep by the time." Stevie shrugged, hoping he was buying what she was saying.

"What took you so long to come home today?" Kyle asked, cocking his head to one side. "I mean, it's dinner time."

"Oh, is it?" Playing dumb was a weak approach to solve the problem, but she didn't have that many options. "I didn't notice."

"What did you do?" Kyle kept questioning her and she was becoming increasingly more worried that he saw right through her bullshit. 

"Nothing really. We just... talked, Lindsey played me some demos." Made me come twice. "When Aimee went to bed, we discussed the tour and uh, possible setlist. Seriously, it was just a boring night."

Kyle remained silent. He stared at Stevie and barely blinked, waiting for her to shift her gaze, but she maintained the eye contact and didn't try to find an escape out of the conversation. "I don't want this to happen again." He said and picked up Aimee's things to carry them up to her room.

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