Part 11

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"Oh my God..." 

Stevie smiled, her lips pressed against Kyle's neck. "You've said that like ten times already."

"I know, but wow..." He was still trying to catch his breath. His hands gripped her hips, when she sat up and placed her palms on his bare chest. "You're so beautiful." He rushed to add, seeing as she opened her mouth to disagree. "And you can't say that I'm just drunk, because I didn't even have a chance to get any alcohol in me."

"Well, I'm sorry that I threw myself at you instead."

"Mmm, no complaints." Kyle smirked, cupping her cheek, he brought her down for a kiss. In one swift motion, he flipped her onto her back and began kissing her neck. "I've missed you so much." 

She reached for him before he could move any lower, holding his face in her hands. "You do mean a lot to me, you know that, right?"

His eyebrows slightly creased, he slowly nodded his head. "I mean, I hope so."

"And I don't want you to make me regret what happened tonight." Stevie asked and it was obvious, he didn't quite understand. "You did something nice for me, I may have gotten a bit sentimental and I just... I wanted to- I wanted you."

"I'm not exactly sure, where this is going." Kyle swallowed uneasily and attempted to move away, but she insisted on keeping him close. 

"I don't want you to assume that things are suddenly fine, just because we had sex. There's still a lot of stuff we need to figure out. I don't want this-" She showed with her hand between them. "To ruin anything."

Kyle pulled away, sitting on his heels as he looked down at her. "So, you just wanted to get laid?"

"No, this is exactly what I'm trying to explain here. This wasn't meaningless." Stevie shook her head, she grabbed onto the sheets to cover herself up. 

"Sounds like it was." Kyle shrugged. "I knew, I should have pushed you away, when you kissed me."

"A minute ago, you were saying, you had no complaints!" Her voice grew louder and he sighed, getting out of bed. 

"Yes, because I thought that the woman I love wanted me for me!" He yelled, pulling up his jeans. "God, I'm so fucking stupid. I thought, something happened between us tonight."

"It did!" Stevie placed her feet on the floor and wrapped the bedsheet around herself to approach him. "I had a nice time with you. I enjoyed talking to you, I enjoyed being with you. How did this become such a huge problem?"

"You giving me false hope is a huge problem!" Kyle threw his arms up in the air in frustration, before he bent over to pick up his shirt. "You've been stringing me along for months!"

"I have not! I told you, I'm willing to try. Did you honestly expect we'd get back together overnight?" She scoffed, watching him get dressed. "Kyle, say something to-"

"What else am I supposed to say?" He asked, his jaw clenched. "I've told you everything. I've told you that I wish, we hadn't let go each other so easily, I've told you that I'm still in love with you, I've told you that I want to be with you! No, I've been with you before." He emphasized. "I don't want to just be anymore. I want you and I, and Aimee to be a real family. I want you to be my wife." When she didn't respond, he continued. "And every time I've told you that, you've grown silent as if my dreams were just going to go away."

"Kyle..." Stevie reached for him, but he recoiled from her touch. 

"You need to make up your mind." Kyle said. "Think about what you actually want. If it's not me, then tell me, because I can't keep doing this."

The fact that she didn't tell him that right away spoke volumes to him and made him leave.

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