Part 22

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Stevie didn't know what time it was exactly, but she felt like it was too early for someone to be knocking on her hotel room door. She had nowhere to be until much later that day, so she had planned to sleep in and do absolutely nothing. The knock echoed around the suite again and she sighed. Barefoot, makeup-less and only in her nightgown she went to answer the door and blinked rapidly a few times, unsure if it was actually Lindsey in the hallway.

"Why do you always insist on being up so early?" Stevie whined, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

"You were still in bed?" Lindsey asked, checking his watch. "Oh, sorry. I'll let you get back-"

"No." She shook her head and stepped back. "No, I'm already awake." She said through a yawn. He didn't have a reason to see her at this hour, but she wasn't fully alert yet to argue with him. "You wanted something?"

Lindsey wasn't sure if he was allowed to follow her, when she went straight back to bed. He willed himself to take a step forwards, hands in his pockets, he stopped at the foot of the bed, surprised that she hadn't put up a fight and let him in.

"Is- is it okay for me to be here?" His eyebrows creased, he didn't really know what to do. 

"Well, if you're not about to jump my bones - sure." She shrugged, fluffing up a pillow, she leaned back against the headboard.

"Hilarious." He rolled his eyes and sat down. "To answer your question, I wanted to come over and check on you."

"Why would you want that?" Stevie asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't know, you seemed a bit off yesterday. We went to eat and you disappeared to your room." As soon as he saw Stevie and Kyle at the airport the day before, he instantly knew that something had happened. "I'm just being a friend."

"I'm fine." She replied automatically, hugging her knees to her chest. "Honestly." He gave her a look and she sighed. "Kyle brought something up yesterday that I have no interest in talking about anymore. I was upset, he knew. So..."

"Did he try to propose again?" Lindsey asked, almost making it sound like it was a joke. 

"No." Stevie shook her head and hoped that he wouldn't pry.

"Is it-" He began and stopped himself. "You know, nevermind. It's none of my business."

"You're absolutely right." She said, quite surprised. "So, I'm okay. I'm going to call him later and we'll talk it out."

"Okay." Lindsey nodded, but made no attempt to leave even if he had just come in to check on her and she told him, she was alright. "Since you're up, do you want to go have breakfast with me?"

"Ugh, and get up, get ready?" Stevie made a face and he thought, she was absolutely adorable. "Why don't we have breakfast in bed instead?" She suggested. "It's not like we can't allow ourselves room service, right?"

"You- you mean... in bed?" Lindsey had to doublecheck. "In this bed?"

"Yeah." Stevie replied as if it wasn't that big of a deal. "What would you like?" She asked, reaching for the telephone.

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