Part 27

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"Ah, it's good to be home." Mick took a deep breath as the band were getting off the plane back in LA.

"It's been three days, Mick." Christine said. "We've got a whole tour ahead of us."

"And I cannot wait." He grinned, hugging her around the shoulders.

Behind them, Lindsey held his hand out for Stevie to help her down the stairs leading from the private jet. She didn't actually need his support, but she wasn't going to pass up on being able to openly touch him. 

"Is anyone waiting to pick you up?" Lindsey asked.

"One of these cars." Stevie showed with her hand and he rolled his eyes. "No, Kyle isn't here."

He couldn't say it out loud that he was pleased, so he just gave a small nod of his head. "Ride with me?"

A subtle smile crossed her lips. "I already have." She whispered for only him to hear. 

"Don't." He laughed lightly, shaking his head. "Don't say that, when I can't do anything about it."

"Alright." Mick spoke up, breaking their intense eye contact. "I see, we're one car short." He frowned.

"Stevie said, she's okay riding with me." Lindsey said and felt Stevie's elbow in between two of his ribs. 

"Yeah?" Mick raised an eyebrow, looking between the two. 

"Yes." Stevie assured and heard Christine and John sigh simultaneously. No matter how hard they'd always tried, they could never hide anything from their bandmates. Apparently, not even for one whole day anymore. 

After a round of hugs and goodbyes, Lindsey opened the door to the backseat of one of the cars and showed for Stevie to get in first. As she did, she bent a little lower than necessary and she was sure, his eyes were glued to her ass.

"I thought, you said, we should behave at least until we go out on the road." Stevie gave him a pointed look, once they were seated closely. 

"I'm sure, they didn't think anything of it." Lindsey shrugged, his hand fell on her thigh. He turned to face her and found himself just staring at her for a moment. He brushed the back of his fingers over her cheek and smiled.



"What?" Stevie asked again, because something was clearly on his mind. 

Since they weren't alone, he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "You're beautiful." Hearing him say that, she pushed him away an inch at best, casting her eyes down. "You are." 

"Linds..." She covered his hand, which still lay on her thigh and entwined their fingers together.

"Can I kiss you?"

"What, here?" She frowned, her eyes immediately darted over to the driver, who clearly pretended not to hear or see anything. 

"Yeah. Or would you prefer I do it, once we get to your place?" He obviously didn't mean that. "I don't know, when I'll get to kiss you again."

Making sure the driver kept his head straight on the road, Stevie faced Lindsey, biting on her bottom lip. She gave a small nod and he didn't waste any time. His lips pressed to hers and he lingered for a few seconds, then pulled back. He knew, she wouldn't be satisfied, and he was right. Her hand settled on the back of his head and pulled him in closer again for another kiss. When his tongue traced her lower lip, she broke them apart. 

"We can't start, what we won't be able to finish." She said.

The lightness, the playfulness was gone. Suddenly, it hit her - she was on the way home. The home she shared with another man and their child. The man, who was excited about her coming back. The man, who most likely expected all her love and affection to be focused on him.

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