Part 2

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Again, the dates aren't 100% correct just to fit the story better.


"I don't know, where to begin." Stevie said, while Lindsey just stared at her. 

"I've got a few questions." Lindsey's eyes settled on the girl resting her head on Stevie's chest. He wasn't sure, why he expected the child's eyes to be blue. Possibly because whenever he imagined Stevie with children, their eyes always matched his.

"Okay, I'm not surprised." Stevie sighed. "Can I makes us some coffee first?"

"Yeah, please." He nodded and followed behind her. "Is she yours?" He wasn't as patient as he thought he was. 

A smile instantly spread across Stevie's face and she pressed a kiss to the girl's soft hair. "Yes. Her name is Aimee." 

"When..." Lindsey trailed off, having trouble formulating a coherent sentence. "Steph, when did this all happen?" He asked, sitting down. 

"Would you like to say, hi, to Lindsey?" She spoke to Aimee, who seemed comfortable in her mother's arms. "He's mommy's friend, you don't have to be afraid, baby." She said, when the girl scrunched up her face as if she was about to cry. "Okay, maybe later." Stevie moved to take out two mugs, avoiding Lindsey's question. 

"So..." Lindsey faked a cough to catch her attention. "Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy for you, but I'm just... I'm confused."

With her lips still sealed, Stevie sat Aimee down on a chair and made sure the girl had some toys to occupy herself with first. She then put the kettle on and leaned against one of the kitchen counters as she waited. 

"I was four months pregnant at the Clinton inauguration." Stevie began, seeing Lindsey's eyes grow wide. "I didn't want to tell anyone. I was fresh out of rehab. Everyone treated me as if I was made out of crystal, I knew, it would only get worse if they knew I was expecting." She looked over at her albeit a little shy, but perfectly healthy and happy three year old daughter. "I checked myself into rehab because of her."

"I had absolutely no idea. You didn't look, well, pregnant." Lindsey emphasized, still having a difficult time taking it all in. "How did you manage to hide a child from the whole world? Does anyone else know?"

"I'm not exactly hiding Aimee from anyone, I'm just..." Stevie shrugged and took the kettle off heat, when the water started boiling. "I was recording an album, then I took time off, when Aimee was born. I finished the album at home, when she was just a few months old. Kyle stayed with the baby, while I toured and then I came home to be a full-time mom again. I just don't think it's necessary to show off your child."

"It's your choice, of course." Lindsey nodded, thanking her for the coffee. 

"To answer your other question - yes, my family obviously knows that I have a daughter. Mick and Christine know, too. They're her godparents." Stevie added, avoiding Lindsey's eyes on her. "Don't think I kept it from you on purpose, we just haven't been in each other's lives for a long time."

"Well, I think-" Lindsey quickly stopped himself. It didn't matter, what his thoughts were, it wasn't going to change anything. "I guess, it's my own fault."

"You're not the only one to blame, Lindsey. We've both done and said things to push each other away." Stevie gave a weak shrug and took a sip from her mug. "I just hope that you haven't come here to bring it all back up."

"No." Lindsey shook his head. "No, I... I don't want to look back, I want to focus on the future."

"Good." She smiled, covering his hand with hers for a short second.

"So, uh." He paused, casting his eyes down. "Kyle, is he..."

"We're not exactly together." Stevie replied, picking up one of the toys that fell from Aimee's little hands. "He's an amazing father, but we couldn't quite make our relationship work." Lindsey felt like he could breathe a little easier until she spoke up again. "But... We've been spending a lot more time together lately, so, you never know."

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