Part 32

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"Did she go down easy?" Kyle asked, handing a glass of wine to Stevie, when she walked out of Aimee's room.

"Yeah, out like a light." Stevie nodded and took a sip. She scrunched up her face, the taste of the wine somehow different and not at all pleasant. "We had a couple of bottles, you didn't have to go out and get something else."

Kyle frowned, looking at her a bit puzzled. "I didn't."

"Oh? It tastes... a bit off." She said, then shrugged and turned towards the master bedroom. 

Closing the door behind him quietly, Kyle watched as Stevie climbed onto the bed. "What are your plans for the weekend?"

I'm going to spend it with Lindsey. "I don't know, haven't really thought much about it." Stevie replied, following him with her eyes as he joined her. "I'm sure, at some point Aimee's going to beg to bake cookies." She smiled. "Then I'm gonna have to clean up the miss in the kitchen afterwards, so my Saturday is pretty much sorted."

"I wish, I didn't have to leave you two." Kyle sighed as he leaned against the headboard and opened his arm for Stevie to snuggle up to his side. A little reluctant, she did. "But the customer is always right." He rolled his eyes. "I thought, I was past the point of flying out to wherever to meet clients. I thought, they were bound to start coming to me eventually."

"You're just saying that. I'm sure, you can't wait to get away from me." Stevie teased, looking up at him. Seeing he was about to disagree, she continued. "It's okay. You go, do your thing, we'll be here, when you come back."

"That's good to hear." He said, pressing a kiss to her hair. 

They grew quiet. Even though Stevie was comparing Kyle to Lindsey pretty much when it came to everything, she couldn't deny that she was comfortable, she felt safe with Kyle. He was a safe choice. She knew, he loved her, she knew, he would give her anything she would ask. She knew, he would marry her tomorrow if she said, she wanted to be his wife. While with Lindsey, everything had always been and would always be uncertain. At the same time, it was exciting. In a way it was exciting not to know, what the future held. He had always been able to wake something up in her that no other man ever could. 

Slowly, Kyle began pulling Stevie out of her thoughts. He brushed his fingertips down the length of her arm. He leaned in and nuzzled her neck with his lips. His hold on her tightened. He took away her wine and put it on the bedside table... 

Again, when Kyle fell asleep, exhausted, Stevie stayed awake, comparing him to Lindsey. Whatever people thought about him, Lindsey had never been a selfish lover. At least, not with her. She came first, figuratively and almost always literally speaking. He would make her feel like the only woman in the whole world - his woman, whom he absolutely worshiped. 

With a heavy sigh, Stevie rolled onto her side and closed her eyes, hoping to drift off quickly.

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