Part 33

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Somewhere in the back of her mind a tiny little voice told her, it wasn't right. As she went through Aimee's bag one more time, she knew, she wasn't supposed to be leaving home for the whole weekend to spend it with her lover. Possible lover? A friend she enjoyed kissing? She definitely shouldn't be bringing her daughter along with her, but... She wanted to, simple as that.

"Have you decided on the toys you want to take?" Stevie asked as she stepped into Aimee's room and saw the girl carefully making her choice. "I don't think you need that many, baby."

"I want all." Aimee replied, kneeling on the floor, a pile of dolls and stuffed animals in front of her, she looked up at her mother. 

"Of course, you do." Stevie sighed, nodding her head. She hoped, Lindsey was ready for his house to be turned into a toy store.

"Is daddy coming wiv us?" 

Swallowing uneasily, Stevie opened up a bag for Aimee to put all of her things in. "Uh, no, sweetheart. Daddy is away, working."

"Otay." Aimee just said, completely unaware.

Stevie wasn't about to try and teach her daughter to lie. Kyle was going to ask, what they were up to, once he returned and that was fine - she had already told him, she had plans to meet with Lindsey. She just hoped Aimee wasn't going to get carried away and tell her father about their sleepover. 

"Alright." Stevie spoke out loud to herself. "I think, that's everything."

No more than half an hour later, the sound of the doorbell echoed around the house, signaling Lindsey's arrival. Picking Aimee up, Stevie made her way downstairs and to the front door. A wide grin on Lindsey's face greeted her and she smiled in return, showing him inside.

"We're ready." Stevie said and received a questioning look from Lindsey. "What?"

"You? Ready on time?" He teased, feeling a pair of brown eyes on him, which didn't belong to Stevie. "Hey there, pretty girl."

Even though Aimee had been around Lindsey several times now, he still was somewhat of a stranger to her. She looked away, when he spoke to her, wrapping her arms around her mother's neck, doing her best to hide. 

"She'll get over her shyness eventually." Stevie offered and encouraging smile to Lindsey, but he didn't seem to be offended. 

"Kids are weird." Lindsey shrugged, although he was going to try his hardest to be liked by Stevie's. "So, should I grab something?" 

"Uh, yeah." Stevie nodded and pointed. "These. There's another bag upstairs, filled with toys. I'll get that and come back down." 

"Would you like to help me?" Lindsey addressed Aimee again and she eyed him. After a long moment of consideration, Aimee wriggled out of Stevie's arms and took Lindsey's hand. 

"You're doing great." Stevie mouthed and Lindsey's smile melted her heart. 

He would have made an amazing father. He would make an amazing father.

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