Part 17

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He wasn't completely sure what, but Lindsey had expected something different, when Mick invited him to that dinner. He already knew that it wasn't going to be just the five possibly reuniting member of Fleetwood Mac, but it didn't make it any less annoying, when he actually had to spend his evening with the father of Stevie's daughter, who also happened to be a cheating asshole. Boy, she knew, how to pick 'em. Lindsey himself included. If he was completely honest with himself, he wasn't all that sure, why it bothered him so badly, seeing Stevie in a relationship. It wasn't like he had some master plan to get her back, no, his intentions were sincere, he wanted to reconcile with his friends first and foremost and if the band got back together on top that - great. Maybe he simply believed that Kyle wasn't good enough for Stevie, but then again, in Lindsey's eyes, who was? Or maybe it was the fact that Kyle had managed to have everything Lindsey had ever wanted with Stevie.

"You're awfully quiet." Stevie nudged Lindsey, since they were seated next to each other. 

"Someone else has all of your attention." He replied with a shrug, when that someone else had gone to the restroom. 

"What's really bothering you, Lindsey?" She asked, making sure she kept her voice low. "Is it him being here tonight or is it just him in general?"

"A little bit of both." Lindsey's honesty surprised both of them. "I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry."

"Well, it's how you feel." She turned to face him and leaned in a bit closer. "Have you talked to Mick by any chance?" She didn't think there was another reason, which might have caused the sour expression on Lindsey's face throughout dinner. 

"I... I don't know, what you mean."

She gave him a look as if asking, seriously? "It was a tough time for us. We weren't communicating very well, it was a misunderstanding."

"How can you call something like that a misunderstanding?" Lindsey wanted to yell the question out, but he didn't wish to attract any unnecessary attention. "He-"

"I know, what he did, Linds." Stevie interrupted and placed her hand over his under the table. "I know and I'll never forget about it."

"I just want what's best for you." Lindsey sighed, now covering her hand with his other one. "You still mean so much to me."

"As do you." She smiled somewhat sadly and he wasn't quite sure, what that meant. 

"It's just that..." Lindsey looked around, satisfied that no one's eyes were on them, he continued. "I've hurt you too many times to count and you've hurt me too. We both know, what that feels like. I don't want you to feel that anymore." He gave a weak one shoulder shrug and hung his head low. "I just want you to be happy."

"I am." Stevie assured, she'd been telling herself that a lot lately. "And you being back in my life is one of the reasons I'm happy." 

One corner of his mouth turned slightly upwards, he turned his head to lock eyes with her. "You are, too."

Seeing Kyle coming back, Stevie pulled away and straightened up. Lindsey wished, she hadn't withdrawn her hand away from his. "We can see each other soon, just the two of us." She whispered. "I think, there's a lot more for us to talk about."

Lindsey nodded and replied, before Kyle rejoined the table. "Yeah, I think, there is."

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