Part 25

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"We didn't stay true to our word." Stevie spoke up after a lengthy while spent in silence.

"What do you mean?" Lindsey asked, his fingers combing her hair as her head rested on his chest. 

"Mick told us to behave." She clarified. 

"Well, we didn't have an argument or anything like that." A lazy smile spread across his face, he then looked down, when she tilted her chin up. "What?"

"I'm waiting for the guilt to come." She swallowed uneasily, shaking her head slightly. "But I don't feel it. I felt so guilty after we kissed, surely, I shouldn't be able to lie naked with you right now."

"I don't mind at all." He joked, attempting to lighten up the mood. 

Reaching for the covers, Stevie pulled them up higher, suddenly feeling too exposed. "Did you think that we'd end up here again?"

"Honestly, I tried to stay away." Lindsey sighed, tracing an invisible pattern across her back. "I just wanted to reconnect with you all and that's the truth. But when I saw you again... I don't know, I guess, I saw the Stevie I knew all those years ago. Before we joined Fleetwood Mac, before we even started working on Buckingham Nicks. It brought back a lot of feelings and that incredibly strong pull. You're a different person, from when we last were involved in any way, but you're also the same person I used to know. If that makes any sense." He added. 

"It does, because that's how I see you too." She nodded, lightly grazing his chest with her nails. 

"So, I can't say that I wanted this to happen. I don't think, my feelings really matter, because your life has changed so much." He emphasized, pressing a kiss to her hair. "You're a mother now and I'm sure that can't always be easy. On top of that, you're working on your relationship with Kyle and what I truly believe is that I shouldn't insert myself in the middle of all that's going on."

Rolling onto her front, Stevie made sure their eyes were locked. "Do not say that your feelings don't matter. They absolutely do. You matter." She brushed her thumb over his cheek and he turned his head to plant a small kiss on her palm. 

"What's going to happen now?" Lindsey mustered up the courage to ask.

"I don't know." She answered him honestly. "I can't say that I'm going to break up with Kyle just because of whatever this is, but I'm not saying that... that I want this to end either. The truth is, I haven't felt the way you've made me feel tonight in a very long time. I can't deny that there's still something between us." 

"Why did you get back together with Kyle? Did you do it to try and prevent us from happening again?" She might not give him a straight answer, but he had to ask. 

"Maybe." Stevie shrugged. "Maybe because of that, maybe because I felt him pulling away and I got scared."

"But are you truly happy?" 

"I know my daughter is happy to have both of her parents under the same roof." Yet again, one of those rehearsed replies. 

"Are you happy?" He tried again and heard her exhaling heavily.

"I think, we should get some sleep." She said and pulled away to turn off the bedside lamp.

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