Part 10

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Stevie couldn't fully relax as she sat in the passenger's seat of Kyle's car. Even though she had agreed to go out on a date with him, she still wasn't quite sure of what his expectations were. One dinner wasn't going to solve much and she didn't want him to just assume that he could wine and dine her into a reconciliation. 

"So, where are we going?" Stevie asked, glancing at Kyle, before she turned to look straight ahead again.

"I'm not telling you." Kyle shook his head. "But we're not going to a restaurant."

"Am I dressed appropriately for whatever you've planned?" She looked down at her blouse and skirt. 

"You look perfect." He gave her a smile and squeezed her hand lightly. "Michael said, he and Kelly are happy to have Aims overnight."

"Do your plans go on for the whole night?" Stevie asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Uh, no, but, you know..." Kyle shrugged. "I'm just saying that my brother's okay with having Aimee with them if needed."

They grew quiet. The only sound in the car was the radio on low volume. Stevie was getting a little nervous. The first date was always the first date, it didn't matter that she was with someone, whom she already had a child with. Also, she was curious about Kyle's surprise as he had clearly put some thought into it. 

"We're here." Kyle announced some time later.

"We are?" Stevie asked skeptically. "We're at the beach."

"That's right." He nodded and went to get something out of the trunk of the car. "This is the exact spot where we had our actual first date." 

"It is?" She looked around and thought that he might be right. "So, you lied. I'm not dressed right for this."

"You're fine." Kyle insisted and with a large bag in one hand he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Shall we?"

There weren't too many people at the beach, which was a good thing. Kyle obviously wanted some privacy, he didn't need a bunch of fans coming up to Stevie, asking for autographs. Telling her to stand and do nothing, he proceeded to take things out of his bag; he laid out a plaid and gave another one to Stevie in case she got cold. He also had a bottle of gin, which was what they drank the first time they were there. He even had some snacks ready, which he most likely hadn't made himself, but right now that was not important.

Holding out his hand, Kyle helped Stevie sit down before he did so as well. "So?"

"So what?" Stevie faced him, smiling subtly. 

"Have I managed to impress you?"

"Well, I wasn't expecting our night to be this." She nodded and he sighed in relief. "It is nice."

"Would you like for me to open that gin?" Kyle showed to the bottle and Stevie said, yes. "I'm not gonna have any if you were wondering. Maybe later, once I've taken you home."

"I haven't had anything stronger than wine for some time." Stevie took the glass from him. "This one might be enough to get me wasted."

"Don't think, just enjoy yourself." Kyle smiled, bumping his shoulder against hers lightly. "Thank you for agreeing to this. I was a getting a bit worried given the most recent turn of events."

"What do you mean by that?" She frowned and he looked away. "Lindsey?"

"Yeah." He admitted with a small nod. 

"Just because he's back in my life it doesn't mean that I'm going to fall madly in love with him again." Stevie wasn't sure if she sounded very convincing. Girlfriends, boyfriends, a fiancée and a husband had failed to stop them before. "We're learning to be friends again, that's all."

"Can we be honest with each other?" Kyle asked, popping a grape into his mouth.

"Of course." Stevie assured, taking a sip of her drink.

"I see him as a threat." Kyle dug the heel of his boot into the sand and pushed it away, distracting himself, when the silence lasted for too long. "I'm not saying that you're going to run off to him, but I can't be sure that you won't either. There's a lot of history between you."

"You're right, but as much as there's been good, there's also been a lot of bad." Stevie felt his insecurities creeping in and she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I can't promise you that one or the other won't happen, because I don't know, but I can promise you that Lindsey and I are just friends. I did see him, when you took Aimee to your parents, but you already knew that. Nothing happened."

"Do you still have any feelings for him?" Kyle chewed on his bottom lip, awaiting her answer, he wrapped his arm around her back. 

"I do, but it doesn't mean that I want to be with him." Tilting her chin up, she waited until he looked down at her. "Do we really want to talk about Lindsey right now?"

Shaking his head, Kyle smiled, doing his best to fight the urge to kiss her. "No, we don't."

They stayed for quite a while. Eventually, there were no people left around them. They talked about everything that came to mind, which they hadn't done in forever. Usually, their topics of discussion revolved around their daughter. There were moments, when they were silent and neither of them felt uncomfortable with it. Stevie had a few drinks in her, which resulted in her flirtatious self shining through. They did get a little handsy, but they didn't kiss once. When Kyle noticed her trying to hide that she was shivering, he suggested going home. 

"Do you want to come inside?" Stevie asked, once they were parked in her driveway. 

"Are you sure about that?" Kyle gave her a chance to change her mind. "I swear, I don't have any intentions."

"I wasn't thinking that." She shook her head and opened the passenger's side door. 

Kyle wasn't going to question her. He waited, hands in the back pockets of his jeans, for Stevie to unlock the door. He could tell she was a little tipsy, when she missed the keyhole a couple of times. 

"Ah, so much better." Stevie switched on the light. She loved the beach, but she loved the comfort and warmth of her home much more. "Can I get you anything?"

"Uh, no. I'm good, thanks." Kyle said, their eyes locked. The look in hers scared him slightly. He knew that look. "So-"

He didn't get more than that out, when Stevie's arms wrapped around his neck and she captured his lips.

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