Part 39

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"Thanks." Kyle said, handing over enough bills to cover the drive from the airport to the cab driver. 

Kyle opened the door and got out of the car, while the driver took his suitcase out of the trunk. It was an early Sunday morning, so he made sure to be as quiet as possible, when he unlocked the front door and stepped into the house. If Stevie had a chance, she liked to sleep in and he didn't want to wake her up.

Leaving his things in the foyer for the time being, Kyle went into the kitchen to make himself something quick for breakfast, since he hadn't eating anything before getting on the plane. Initially, he had a much later flight, but he had really nothing left to do, so he decided to come home earlier and hoped it would be a nice surprise. 

Biting off nearly half of the sandwich he'd made, Kyle moved to put the kettle on for a cup of coffee. He grabbed another mug for Stevie, thinking she'd appreciate him bringing it to her to bed. However, he didn't go straight away as he let it cool first, also he didn't want to get yelled at for disturbing her sleep.

Another sandwich later, Kyle couldn't wait any longer. He was only gone for a short time, but he already missed Stevie. Despite several small hiccups, he genuinely thought that they were doing great. If things continued on the same way, he had decided, he was going to start looking for a ring, convinced that she wouldn't say, no, this time. 

Knocking softly on the master bedroom door first, Kyle waited, but received no response. He reached for the handle and walked in, the smile on his face quickly disappeared. He frowned, when he found the room to be empty. The bed was made and there was absolutely no sign of Stevie. He checked the walk-in closet, the bathroom, but she wasn't there. Kyle went to Aimee's room and didn't find his daughter there either.

"What the hell?" Kyle spoke out loud, scratching the back of his head. 

He thought, but he couldn't remember Stevie telling him about any overnight visits. They couldn't have left to go somewhere yet either, it was definitely too early, especially for an ordinary Sunday.

Kyle gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. Stevie did tell him, she was going to see Lindsey.

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