Dragon Island

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Hello guys, and welcome back to another chapter of the Purest Wolf series. I would love to thank 12112685a for helping me write this chapter, and for suggesting another one of their OC's for this chapter, thank you so much. Let's get to it.

The Lion Guard were running up hill slope, looking for another Moja Kwa Moja stone. Kion, Alice, and the Twins were up front, Fuli and Langara behind them, Beshte in the middle. Ono was sitting on top of the Hippo, while Anga took to the skies. Bunga was trying to keep up with Beshte, while Makini brought up the rear.

"Almost there. Anga said the next Moja Kwa Moja stone is just over this hill." Kion said to his Lion Guard, and they continued up the hill. As they went up, Alice could've sworn she heard a whooshing sound up ahead. It almost sounded like water. Fuli then decided to speak up, having heard it as well. "Kion, wait. You hear that?" She asked the Lion Prince. "I definitely did." Alice said to the Cheetah. "That you, Big B?" Bunga asked Beshte. "I don't think so." Beshte answered. "Sounds like growling leopards." Makini added, a little scared. Langara loudly cleared her throat, feeling slightly offended by that. "Oh! But not you, Langara. I meant other, meaner leopards." Makini corrected herself.

"Whatever it is, it's coming from over the hill." Ono said, listening closely to where the sound was coming from. "Anga! What's making that sound?" Kion asked the Martial Eagle. "It's uh.... Uh...... c'mon! You'll see." She said, gesturing for them to follow her up the hill. "It better not be what I think it is." Alice muttered to herself. "Something wrong, Alice?" Snow asked the Wolf Princess. "Oh, it's nothing, little darling. Everything's fine." Alice reassured the little cub. The Lion Guard made up the hill, and saw water. Lots and LOTS of water.

"Poa." Beshte said in amazement. Kion stared wide eyed at what he was seeing, while Alice groaned to herself. "I just had to jinx myself, didn't I?" She said to herself. "See." Anga said to the others, looking at the water. Fuli was going to comment, but Snow beat her to it. "Woah! Fehda, isn't that the most water we've seen in our entire lives?" She asked her twin. "Snow, we haven't lived for that long." Fehda commented to her twin. "Yeah, but still." Snow rebutted.

"That's the loudest water I've ever heard." Bunga added. "All I can see is a whole lotta blue." Ono said, squinting his eyes to try and see. Alice lifted her paw to say something to him, but Fuli cut her off before she could even start. "Don't even think about." The Cheetah said, pointing her paw at Alice. The Wolf witch lowered her paw and grumbled to herself. "But it sounds like we're looking at an ocean." Ono explained to them. "Ohhh, the ocean. I saw this the last time I was at the Tree of Life." Makini told the group.

"Anga. Please tell me the Moja Kwa Moja stone isn't in the middle of the ocean." Kion said to the Martial Eagle. "If it is, I'm going to scream as loud as I can. Literally as loud as I can." Alice commented, eyes flashing a dark red for a second. "Nope, it's out there. On top of that hill." Anga said, quickly pointing to a small island surrounded by the ocean, with the exception of there being a dry pathway that lead to the island. "Great. It's not that far." Kion said with some relief. "Then everybody in the area is safe. For now." Alice said, calming down.

"Let's go." Kion told the guard, and they all ran down the hill and onto the shore. "Okay. But first." Bunga said, running down faster than the others. "Zuka Zama!" He yelled, jumping to dive bomb into the water. But when the waves receded back into the ocean, Bunga landed face first in the sand. "Huh. Where'd the water go?" He asked himself. He got his answer, when the waves came back and swept him into the ocean. "Bunga!" Kion called out to his best friend. "That blasted Honey Badger is going to get himself killed one of these days with his reckless actions!" Alice exclaimed, both angry and worried.

The Lion Guard: The Purest Wolf and the Fiercest LionWhere stories live. Discover now