The Rage

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Raven paced around the inside the Volcano, a look of deep thought on her face. It's been a while since she, Janja, and Ushari brought back Scar, and even though their plans have still been foiled by the Lion Guard, but they still get close to victory. But the Lion Guard wasn't Raven's whole problem. Her main focus was on the one she hated most. The Wolf witch, Alice. No matter what she did, Alice was always stronger than her. If there was one thing that Raven hated more than Alice, it was losing. Before Alice, she never lost to anyone.

But ever since facing Alice, she's done nothing but lose. It's frustrating to no end Ushari was trying to take a nap, but the sound of Raven's footsteps was making that hard. He would've said something, but he didn't dare enact the lionesses wrath on himself. So instead, he got up from his coiled up position to ask her what's on her mind. "Raven, what seems to trouble you?" The snake asked, trying to keep any annoyance out of his voice.

Raven looked at the snake, and rolled her eyes, but reluctantly gave him an answer. "I'm thinking of ways I could get at Alice without losing to her again." She answered. Ushari nodded at that. He knew of the hatred she had for the Wolf witch, and knew that she wanted Alice to suffer. Raven then continued. "But I can't do that. Not unless I find a way to weaken her, or strip her of her magic." Raven added. Just then, Scar chose the perfect time to emerge from the lava. "Well then, if those are your options, I'd suggest you strip her of her magic for good." He told her. Raven looked at Scar with narrowed eyes. "Good suggestion, but I haven't exactly found a way to do that." She said, with clear attitude in her tone.

Scar frowned at the lionesses attitude, but didn't say anything about it. Janja then looked Raven from where he was perched. "Why not just take Alice's necklace? It always glowed red when she got angry. Would that help take her magic away, Blackbird?" Janja asked the lioness witch. Raven was about to tell him that was a stupid thought, but stopped and thought about it. 'Alice's necklace does glow when she get's angry. And that necklace definitely isn't just some typical necklace.' She thought to herself. She thought about it for a second, before she walked to a wall and shifted to human form.

She then waved her hand and made a mirror appear on the wall.

She then waved her hand and made a mirror appear on the wall

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"Mirror. Show yourself, dear." Raven called out. Then the mirror went black and a hooded boy's face appeared, lit up with blue light. The part of his face that wasn't shadowed by his pointed hood was lit up anyway. He had a stoic expression on his face that showed no emotion. "I have a name, you know." He said in a voice that matched his expression. Raven looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, I know your name, Cameron. I just don't care. Now, let Sabrina know I want to talk to her." Raven commanded. "Yes, your Majesty." Cameron replied. His face then disappeared to allow an image of a girl with green skin and ginger hair looking back at Raven. "Oh, Raven. What is it you need from me?" The girl, Sabrina, asked bluntly.

"I need to know something about that necklace around your neck. What is it's use?" Raven asked the green skinned girl. Sabrina looked at her with narrowed eyes, but answered her anyway. "It makes my magic stronger. Stronger than most witches. But it comes at a price. Without it, I'm powerless." She answered. Raven grinned at that. She was delighted to hear that from the green skinned witch. "Excellent. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you to come to me. I think you're help would be nice for what my group is planning. You still want to cause chaos?" Raven asked the other witch.

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