Alice's Siren Songs

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Alice was not having a good day today. This was the second time that the Lion Guard has had to chase Janja and his clan out of the Pride Lands, today. Alice was already irritated from having to be woken up to chase Janja the first time he was in the Pride Lands. And to make matters worse, he had to go and chase after a baby zebra that was just with its mother not too long ago. That was the last straw for her. She was going to get Janja and his clan out herself.

The Lion Guard was facing the hyenas as Kion was about to command them to leave the Pride Lands. "Janja! You and your clan have one chance to leave the Pride Lands, or else." Kion warned. Janja responded with, "I would, Kion. But my stomach's not-" Janja was going to finish, before being cut off by Alice. "Alright. This has gone on long enough. Janja, you and your clan better leave the Pride Lands, or I will take you there myself." She threatened.

"Hahahahaha! And just how do ya plan on doing that?" Janja laughed. Alice gave Janja a look that said 'you shouldn't have asked.' She disappeared in a cloud of red smoke, and left the Lion Guard and the hyenas to themselves. The Guard was confused that their friend just disappeared like that. "Ha! Looks like that Cowardly dog finally learned who she was dealin' with." Janja insulted the wolf. Kion grew angry by what the hyena said about his friend.

Before anyone could do anything, a voice was heard singing from the distance. It was coming from the Outlands. The hyenas stopped as they turned in the direction they heard it coming from. The Guard heard the voice as well. It could only be described as one word. Enchanting.

The hyenas started to follow the voice to where it was coming from. They didn't know why, or even cared to know why, but they couldn't stop themselves. They were drawn to the heavenly sounding voice. The Lion Guard found the voice enchanting as well, but they weren't drawn to it either. "What is that?" Fuli asked. "I don't know, but the hyenas sure seem to like it." Bunga said, looking at the hyenas moving to in the direction of the voice. Kion knew who the voice belonged to. He was drawn to the voice, but not like the hyenas were. Her voice was like heaven, and he didn't want her to stop. "I know who that voice belongs to." Kion told the Guard. "Lion Guard! To the Outlands." And with that, the Lion Guard ran to the Outlands.

When the Lion Guard had gotten to Flatridge Rock, the hyenas were nowhere to be seen, and the voice had stopped singing. That's when Alice appeared in a cloud of red smoke in front of them with a satisfied expression. "Hm. That's that. Shall we go on about our day now, guys?" She asked her friends. "So that was your voice. How did you do that?" Kion asked confirming that Alice was the voice they had heard. "What? Oh! Yes, that was me. I used my siren's voice to lure them into the Outlands." Alice explained. "Huh?" Bunga questioned. Alice then began her explanation. "Well first, sirens are mythical creatures who used their voices to lure people towards them. Their voices were so enchanting, that anyone who hears their voice would be under their control. I was given a siren's voice as one of my powers."

"But we heard your voice, but we weren't drawn to it like the hyenas were." Kion said. "That's because I didn't want you guys to be drawn to my voice. I can choose who I want to bewitch, since I am a witch." Alice explained. "Hey! Could you sing for us?" Bunga asked jumping up and down. "I wanna hear more." "I don't know." Alice said, nervous about singing in front of her friends. "Come on, Alice. We heard your voice. We can tell you've got a beautiful singing voice." Kion said to help his friend's nervousness. He really wanted to hear her sing. Her voice was literally music to his ears. Alice looked at Kion and said, "Alright. Let's get back to the Lair and I'll sing for you all."

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