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"Hello, who is this?" Yuuichi answered his phone.

"Yuuichi-niisan! Konnichiwa!" Said the female voice.

"Oh! (Y/n)! How are you?" He asked

"I'm okay, you?"

"I'm good. So how's your search?" He again asked

"Oh!! It's been great! I called you because I'm going back there and continue my learning in raimon!" She said

"That's great!"

"and please don't tell kyou-chan yet!" She happily said

"Of course! You can count on me!"

"Thanks! Oh! Gotta go! Bye!"

"Bye!" He replied and she then hang up.

(At the airport)

' I'm finally back' (y/n) smiled

(She doesn't have any luggage because she used her sealing scroll but she has a bag to put it in including her money)

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(She doesn't have any luggage because she used her sealing scroll but she has a bag to put it in including her money)

(She doesn't have any luggage because she used her sealing scroll but she has a bag to put it in including her money)

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She then looked inside her bag and sighed in relief when she found the keychains she brought for them.

(Her keychain)

(Her keychain)

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(And Yuuichi)

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(And Yuuichi)

'I hope they liked it, I really work hard   for it to be perfect

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'I hope they liked it, I really work hard   for it to be perfect.' she thought, she then walk towards the hospital.

(At the hospital)

"Niisan how are you?" Tsurugi said while drinking water

"I'm okay" Yuuichi smiled

Then suddenly there's a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Yuuichi said the door the opened and revealed (y/n), she then looked at them and smiled.

"Welcome back" Yuuichi said, but then when tsurugi saw her he choked at his water, that made (y/n) panic.

"A-ah!! Kyou-chan are you okay!?" She then patted his back gently.

"Y-yeah" he answered "thank goodness" she said.

"Same old (y/n)" Yuuichi shake his head and smiled.

When he said that they started laughing while (y/n) just giggled.

"O-oh, I forgot here" she handed them the keychains. "D-do you like it?" She asked nervously while playing with her hands but then beamed when they said they love it.

"It's getting late we have to go home, bye niisan." Tsurugi said

So they go home.

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