chapter 38

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(Y/n) arrived to her relaxing place, she put her bag down and lay on the grass to cloud watch.

(Y/n) remembered the time that she and Shikamaru always go cloud watching to clear their minds.


(Y/n) was looking down at the water, she had failed again, she had failed to bring Sasuke back and not only that her two comrade is also killed because of her.

Shikamaru saw (Y/n) looking at the water in sadness so he approached her.

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Shikamaru asked, (Y/n) turned to face him with teary eyes.

"S-shikamaru-kun..." (Y/n) cried and Shikamaru embraced (Y/n), letting her cry on his shoulder.

"Shh...shh... shhhh.... it's okay, it's okay I'm here." Shikamaru wiped (Y/n)'s tear's and smile at her. "Let's go cloud watching to clear your mind." He said and (Y/n) nodded.

"Look Shikamaru-kun! That cloud looks like a fish!" (Y/n) pointed "Yeah it does" Shikamaru smiled and look at her "so, feeling better?"

"Y-yeah, t-thanks Shika-kun" (Y/n) said but then blushed when she realized what she said. "U-um...I-I m-mean S-shikamaru-kun!" Shikamaru chuckled at this which makes (Y/n) blushes harder.

"I'm okay with you calling me that, but I'm also going to call you (n/n)" Shikamaru said and (Y/n) nodded, they continued to watch at the clouds until (Y/n) fall asleep and she unconsciously use Shikamaru as a pillow but Shikamaru let her be and only smiled.

"I'm okay with you calling me that, but I'm also going to call you (n/n)" Shikamaru said and (Y/n) nodded, they continued to watch at the clouds until (Y/n) fall asleep and she unconsciously use Shikamaru as a pillow but Shikamaru let her be and o...

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~end of fashback~


(Y/n) turned her head and saw Shindou and Kirino heading towards her.

"What are you doing here?" Kirino asked

"I-I was just cloud watching" (Y/n) answered "want to join me?" She offered and they lay down with her.

"I didn't know that cloud watching was so relaxing" Kirino said and Shindou couldn't agree more.

"(Y/n) about what you said in the club room..." Shindou started "what do you mean by that?"

'they have to know (Y/n) because they are your friends' (Y/n) thought and decided to tell them.

"Well... It was all started from the chunin first it was just a written test and we passed because of Naruto-kun but at the second exam it didn't go smoothly, Orochimaro attacked our team and I was so scared that time...I...I couldn't do anything, I watched one of my friend got bitten and receive a curse Mark...when all of the team passed arrived at the tower the hokage make us fight each one of us from the different teams...two of my team passed, Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun but Sakura-chan didn't, when it was my turn to fight I was so nervous at that time because my opponent is Neji-niisan but Naruto-kun and Sakura-chan encouraged me and because of that I got the confidence to fight him... even though I know I would lose I still tried but as expected I lost, I was beaten up so badly that time and I even got in a cardiac arrest..." (Y/n) stopped for a second and walked at the shade of the tree with Kirino and Shindou following her.

"In the final exam, the village had been attacked and I still couldn't help the others because I was still recovering from the fight, that time the hokage sacrificed himself and used the death reaper seal for the safety of the village... After the incident Naruto-kun left the village with jiraya-sama to find the fifth hokage and when they did Sasuke-kun left the village to get the power he wants, Lady Tsunade the fifth hokage ordered us to retrieve Sasuke-kun, I was so determined to get him back but...I...I failed" (Y/n) cried but she wiped her tears and continued "after the mission I begged Lady Tsunade to train me, when she saw how determined I was she accepted, I was the first apprentice before Sakura-chan, even though I have been training under Lady Tsunade I still trained my other abilities that I was not good at... I pushed myself to my limit, I didn't even get to communicate with the others and that got them worried, so they planned to have a bonding time with me... I was so happy that time that they planned a bonding time just for me, it also made me feel better." (Y/n) finished and wiped the last tear "oh! It's getting late, I have to go guys!"
(Y/n) grabbed her bag but before she leave she said something to them.

"I don't think that coach Endou would like to see the team in this situation. If you can't even finish coach Kidou's training, don't expect us to win this rebellion."(Y/n) said and walked away.


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