chapter 39

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(Next morning)

When (Y/n) arrived in the next day, she was surprised that everyone came for training.

After her shocked state, Kidou give them each a paper with all of the training they will do.

When they finished the training that Kidou prepared for them. (Y/n) and Kyousuke already know why Kidou made them train because he was looking for their limits.

So (Y/n) made Kyousuke tell the team about it and the team thanked Kidou for that and they also apologized for their behavior.

When (Y/n) and Kyousuke was about to leave the club room, Kirino and Shindou called (Y/n).

"We want to thank you for yesterday." Shindou said with a faint blush at his cheeks but (Y/n) didn't notice it.

"Yeah, thanks to you and to your hardship from your story from your past you made us realize that we shouldn't give up." Kirino stated also had a unnoticeable blush at his cheeks.

"I-it's nothing! R-really, I'm g-glad that I could help." (Y/n) waved her hands in front of her face but then she stopped when she finally noticed the blush at their faces.

"Are you guys okay?" (Y/n) asked worriedly and touched their forehead to make sure they doesn't have a fever which makes it worse and their faces are now red as a tomato because of the closeness.

Meanwhile to where Kyousuke is waiting, he saw how close (Y/n) was to the two and misunderstood it, so he interrupted them by calling (Y/n).

"(Y/n)! We gotta go!" Kyousuke shouted

"C-coming!" (Y/n) replied and bowed at the two.

(Y/n) came running towards Kyousuke "Kyou-chan! Let's go buy some dango!" (Y/n) exclaimed while she launched herself at Kyousuke's back.

Kyousuke chuckled "Sure!"

"Onward!" (Y/n) said from his back "I'm not some horse you know" Kyousuke said but did it anyway and (Y/n) giggled as he mumbled something that (Y/n) couldn't hear.

"Why are you so cute?" Kyousuke mumbled quietly.


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