chapter 22

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"Kuruma?" (Y/n) asked

"Why didn't you use your seal?" Kurama said

"I didn't want to show my abilities to them, but I guess it's too late now"
(y/n) replied

"Don't worry (Y/n), I'm going to help you-" Kurama got cut off by Shukaku

"No. We are" Shukaku said " though (Y/n),  I must tell you that the injuries won't heal quickly because it has some chemicals inside the bullet."

"Hmm mhm, hontoni arigato!" (Y/n) shakes her head and thanked them.

After their talk she wokes up and they again started their journey, but Tenma is still carrying (Y/n) at his back, who is singing to get out of her boredom.

~at the raimon's team~

"This is the only place we didn't check" Endou said and they looked around for any clues.

"Coach, why would we search here? I didn't saw any houses anywhere, all I could see is trees" Shindou said, but before Endou can answer him, Kyousuke interrupted.

"Coach! Stop the caravan!" Kyousuke yelled

When the Caravan stopped, he immediately went out and run towards the object that he saw.

"I knew it!" Kyousuke said and picked up (Y/n)'s phone

"I knew it!" Kyousuke said and picked up (Y/n)'s phone

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"What is it Tsurugi?" Endou asked

"Coach Endou, this is (Y/n)'s phone" Kyousuke said and show the phone to Endou.

"I see, so they are definitely here, come on! We will look around for a little bit" Endou said, they then walked in the caravan and continued their searching.

After a while the girls saw something from a distance "guys! Look!" Aoi said and pointed at the distance.

"Stop the caravan!" Endou said "I'll check it out, you guys stay here" Endou added and walked out the Caravan.

Endou's pov:

I was walking to where Aoi pointed earlier, but I couldn't see clearly because of the fog, but then I saw something come towards me.

When the figure is near me, I finally saw who it is, it's "Tenma!?" I said in surprise

"C-coach Endou!" Tenma said and Endou sighed in relief.

"Coach we need to hurry! (Y/n)-chan's injured!" Tenma said

"Where!?" I said

"She's at my back" Tenma said and handed her to me.

Author's pov:

When Tenma handed (Y/n) to Endou, Endou carried her bridal style, and they hurriedly went back to the Caravan.

"Coach Endou! Over here!" Midori said and waved at them.

When they went into the Caravan, the others gasp, when they saw how injured (Y/n) is.

"What happened!?" They all said while Endou handed (Y/n) to Tsurugi

"No time, we have to get here to the hospital!" Endou said but Tsurugi frown and remember what (Y/n) said to her.


"Why wouldn't you want to go to the hospital (Y/n)-chan?" A teen years old Kyousuke asked, while placing a wet towel at (Y/n)'s forehead

"W-well, I don't want anyone to experiment me just because of the powers I have, s-so I prefer at our house than the hospital, and besides, I'm sure that I will heal quickly, my friends the tailed beast will help me." (Y/n) replied and smiled at him

*Flashback end*

"Coach" Tsurugi called

"What is it Tsurugi?" Endou said

"(Y/n) didn't want to go to the hospital, she said she'd prefer our house then the hospital" Tsurugi said at Endou

"But Tsurugi! (Y/n) has to go to the hospital so her wounds will be treated!" Sangoku argued but Tsurugi simply shakes his head.

"You should listen to Tsurugi, Sangoku-senpai, I'm sure he had a good reason" Tenma said and smiled tiredly.

"Okay, I trust you Tsurugi, so please lead the way to your house" Endou said

"But Coach!" This time, the others argued except Tenma and Tsurugi.

"We have no choice but to obey guys, it's (Y/n)'s decision" Endou said at them.

They just nod their heads in defeat, and they drive there way to (Y/n) and Tsurugi's house.


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