chapter 20

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"Did.....we..... lost....them?" Tenma asked catching his breathing.

"" (y/n) answered to him, also breathing hard.

After they didn't see the enemies that has been chasing them, they finally can take a break.

"What do we do now?" Tenma asked finally regained his breathing.

"We go fishing of course, so we have something to eat" (y/n) said

"I go pick some wood" Tenma volunteer and (y/n) nodded

"I'll go fishing then" (y/n) then jumped from tree to tree to find a river.

Tenma Pov:

'(y/n)-chan really worked hard for us to escape from the bad guys, I really appreciate it, so I have to help her' I thought while picking some dry woods.

"There! All done!" I said while putting the fire woods down.

I then sat at the ground and wait for (y/n) to come back.

??? Pov:

"WHAT!?!? YOU GOT BEATEN UP BY A GIRL!?!?! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!" A man shouted in frustration.

"W-were so sorry boss, we really tried everything!"

"Yeah! We really tried but, she still got away" They reasoned

"Get out!! Now!! And find that girl!!"

"Y-yes boss!!!" They then hurriedly went out.

~back to Tenma~

Author's pov:

"Did you got some fire woods?" (Y/n) asked and jumped down from the tree.

"Yeah, but how can we make the fire?" Tenma asked

"Here, hold this scroll for me" (y/n) said and handed Tenma the scroll that is sealing the fish in, (y/n) then made a handsigns for the fire ball jutsu.

"Katon: Gōgakyu no jutsu!" (Y/n) blow out a small fire ball to the fire woods.

After that (y/n) opened the scroll that has some fish in it and started to cook the fishes that she caught.

(Time skip)

After they finished eating the fishes, they just stayed up and sat next to each other while watching the fire.

A minutes later, Tenma felt something weight at his shoulder, he then looked at it and saw that (y/n) had fallen asleep.

He then smiled at her '(y/n)-chan is really pretty and she looked peaceful while sleeping' Tenma thought while blushing.

But then he also leaned his head to
(y/n)'s because of sleepiness and the drifted off to dreamland.

But then he also leaned his head to (y/n)'s because of sleepiness and the drifted off to dreamland

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(Next morning at raimon)

"Is everyone already here?"

"No coach Endou, (y/n) and Tenma is still not here." Shindou said to Endou

"I see, Tsurugi do you know where
(y/n) is?" Endou asked Kyousuke

"No" Kyousuke simply said "She didn't even went home last night, I thought she was at Tenma's house" he added

"I'll go and call Aki" Endou said but then he has a call.

"Moshi, moshi" Endou started

"Endou! Is Tenma there yet!?" Aki yelled at the phone.

"No, Tenma also didn't come to practice yesterday, I thought he was at home so I was planning to call you" Endou said

"But Endou! He didn't come home yesterday at night!"

"Don't worry we will call him, but his not the only one missing"


"It's (Y/n), she is also missing"

"Oh my God"

"But don't worry we will find a way to find them"

"Thank you Endou-kun"

"Your welcome"

They then end their conversation at the phone and Endou turned to the team.

"Team, let's go find Tenma and (Y/n)"


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