chapter 32

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Third POV

(Time skip)

~in the snowland stadium~

(Y/n) looked around and her eyes widened when she saw that the stadium is covered in ice!

She then smiled when it brought back some happy memories.


"You can open your eyes now (Y/n)" Neji said

(Y/n) opened her eyes and when she did her eyes widened in surprise when she saw that Neji brought her to a place that is surrounded of ice and snow.

"Surprise! Happy birthday (Y/n)!" Neji exclaimed

"N-neji *sniff* y-you remembered?" (Y/n) cried and Neji wiped her tear.

"Don't cry (Y/n) and of course I remember! So don't cry it's your birthday after all!" Neji said and dragged (Y/n) towards the slippery ice.

"N-neji I-I d-don't k-know h-how t-to s-skate." (Y/n) stated as she almost slipped but luckily Neji caught her.

"Don't worry I'm going to teach you" Neji replied and hold (Y/n)'s hand "Just copy my moves and you'll be okay"

Neji took the first step and (Y/n) copied him just as he said to her but she almost slipped again and Neji caught her.

"N-neji I-I d-don't t-think I-I c-can d-do i-it." (Y/n) said nervously her legs started shaking.

"It's just like walking (Y/n) but you have to glide on the ice (is that right? I don't really know because I myself didn't even know how to ice skate ehehehe (≧▽≦)) now you try..." Neji instructed but (Y/n) just looked down at her shaking legs. "Don't worry I will hold you." This statement made (Y/n) nodded.

True to his word, Neji really hold (Y/n) so she wouldn't slip and after awhile (Y/n) finally mastered how to skate.

(Y/n) was having fun in her birthday even though her friends didn't remember but she still forgive them because she still had Neji with her who remembered her birthday.

~end of flashback~

The Raimon team walked towards the bench as Haruna comes to them with an announcement.

"I have great news! Nishiki is back home!" Haruna announced


"He's back?"

"His also on his way here!" Haruna added

"U-um...e-excuse me but who is Nishiki?" (Y/n) asked politely but then looked down with a red face when she saw everyone is now looking at her. 'I feel like I'm so small.' (Y/n) thought in embarrassment her face is getting redder and redder any second. 'I SHOULDN'T HAVE ASKED THAT!!!'
(y/n) screamed in her mind

"(Y/n) are you okay? your face looked like it's about to explod-" Shindou said but got interrupted by (Y/n).

"I-I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO ASK! IT'S JUST THAT I DIDN'T KNOW WHO NISHIKI IS!" (Y/n) bowed repeatedly which startled them except Kyousuke who sighed 'they shouldn't stared at her' he thought

"No (Y/n)! It's okay!"


Endou calmed (Y/n) down by taking her away from everyone.

"O-oh g-gosh t-that w-was e-embarrassing" (Y/n) said and hide her face behind her palms.

(Y/n) then felt a hand petting her head and she looked up from her palms and saw a fatherly smiling Endou.

"Don't worry they didn't mean to stare at you..." Endou said "and let me explain who Nishiki is... Nishiki is an old player of Raimon who moved in Italy to show his skills in soccer." Endou explained

"I-is h-he n-nice?" (Y/n) asked and Endou nodded "now how about you go to back to your team?" Endou suggested

"I-I don't t-think I can" (Y/n) said in a squeaky voice while poking her fingers together.

Endou sighed "How about you go there and I give you something in return?" Endou saw (Y/n)'s eyes lit up 'bingo!' thought Endou

"H-how about ramen?" Said (Y/n) and smiled nervously "deal!" Endou said and petted her head again which she enjoyed

"H-how about ramen?" Said (Y/n) and smiled nervously "deal!" Endou said and petted her head again which she enjoyed

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