chapter 17

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(After school)

After a long training the coach whistle for a break and by the time being, the team that they are playing against must have been announced.

Coach endou then suddenly got a call from someone.

"Every player is a seed!?!?" Endou said

"Coach Endou, who was that in the call?" Shindou asked

"Every player is a seed? You mean the Kaiou academy?" Kirino also asked

"C-coach?" (Y/n) said

"Yeah, that's what it says according to the database" endou nodded

(Time skip)

After the training (y/n) was planning to train but it's already night time, it still didn't stop (y/n) because she wanted to train so badly.

She then started her training not before changing her outfit

She then started her training not before changing her outfit

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(Her training goes like this ⬆️)

"I don't know that you know how to fight"

Someone said which make (y/n) tripped at her own clumsiness.

"Wah!" She landed onto someone.

When they finally opened their eyes they noticed that they accidentally kissed, which (y/n) immediately pulled away and apologize with a red face.

When they finally opened their eyes they noticed that they accidentally kissed, which (y/n) immediately pulled away and apologize with a red face

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"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so so so so sorry!" (Y/n) then got her bag and run fast leaving Kirino.

(Next day morning)

(Y/n) arrived at the soccer club, she noticed that she was early because she only saw Shindou and Kirino.

Kirino and Shindou then noticed (y/n) so they walked towards her.

When (y/n) saw them walking towards her, she panicked when she remembered what happened at the other day, her face then turned red.

"Eh? Are you okay (y/n)? Your face are red." Kirino said, while putting his hand to (y/n)'s forehead.

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