chapter 5

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"Tenma-kun!" (Y/n) called while knocking at his door.

After a while the door finally opened and revealed a already dressed Tenma.

"Come on!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him outside.

"I already packed breakfast and lunch, and I also already put a letter at Aki's door." She added

"But why this early though?" Asked Tenma because it's still 4:00 am in the morning.

"So that we can have a lot of time." She answered.

After awhile of walking they finally arrived at the riverbank, (y/n) then put her bag at the bench and grabbed a scoll, she then opened it and then summoned their outfits, she then handed the other one to Tenma.

"Why do we have to change?" He asked

"Because Tenma, we couldn't afford our uniforms to get dirty." She said "now let's do some warm ups." She added.

After the warm ups they then started the soccer training, after a while of instructing Tenma, he finally get it.

"Ne, Tenma?" (Y/n) called while drinking water. "Yeah"

"Let's make a hissatsu technique together!" She said "really!?" He said in excitement and she nodded.

"But what kind of hissatsu?" He asked

"It's a Halo teleportation." She said

"How does it work?" He asked

"Halo teleportation- you have to kick the ball high in the air while saying
'combination technique!' some wind then will surround you, I then have to ran at your direction and jumped towards the ball while saying 'Halo teleportation!' and when I got to touch the ball a halo will appear and will teleport me near to the goalpost. Did you get it?" She said, tenma then nodded.

We are now practicing our hissatsu with my clones as our enemy but it's in a transformation jutsu so no one will notice, we have been practicing for awhile until it's now 6:00 in the morning and our stomach is now growling, so we eat breakfast and get changed back in our uniforms.

We were about to ran but then stopped and (y/n) dragged Tenma at the near river, she then looked at the left and right when she saw that no one's there she grabbed tenma's bag and pushed him at the river.

"Hey! What was that for!?" He asked but then stopped when she also jumped in.

After that we then got out of the river and (y/n) used a jutsu to make them dry.

"There, were all clean, now I just have to heal us." She then put her hand at their injures and healed it. She then transformed at her disguise so she don't have to change her clothes.

"Now, let's go! Before were gonna be late!" She then dragged Tenma again.

"Wahh!!! Slow down!!!" He said

"Oh!! Sorry!!" She replied


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