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    Unlucky day

(Y/n) woke up in the morning groggily, because she stayed up late just to study.

She got out of her bed only to fall off from her bed face first because of the blanket, she rubbed her forehead in annoyance and stood up from the floor only to slip and fall again just because of her blanket that is now scattered on the floor.

Because of annoyance, she kicked her blanket angrily and left it scattered (seriously?) (Y/n) went into her bathroom and took a shower, after using her favorite shampoo, she grabbed her conditioner but instead of a conditioner she grabbed a hair dye but she didn't notice it.

After she finished showering and drying her hair, she changed into her uniform and brushed her hair while her eyes is closed, when she opened her eyes, she screamed.


Her scream echoed in the mansion, which alerted the girls and Yuuichi.

Her room's door slammed open and revealed the girls and Yuuichi.

"(Y/n)! Is everything okay?! We heard you screamed!!" Yuuichi said.

"Niisan! My...my hair!" (Y/n) cried as she pointed at her now dark green hair.

"Oh my goodness! (Y/n)-sama! What happened to your hair?!"

"(Y/n)-sama, did you accidentally use the hair dye?"

"(Y/n)-sama, you shouldn't stayed up late at night."

"Your not helping!!!" (Y/n) cried as Yuuichi comforted her.

"Shh... It's okay (Y/n)-chan, we will remove it after you're school."

As Yuuchi mentioned the school, (Y/n) immediately picked up her school supplies hurriedly, while saying 'I'im late! I'm late! I'm late!' which made them sweatdrop.

(Time skip)

(Y/n) yawned while running towards her School, on the way she came across Bell.

"Bell-kun! Ohayo!" (Y/n) waved at the boy.

"Ohayo! (Y/n)-chan! -what...what happened to your hair?!" Bell asked when he noticed her hair color.

"*Sigh* I accidentally used the hair dye, I thought that it was my conditioner." (Y/n) stated and yawned again.

"Did you sleep late last night?" Bell asked

"Ye *yawn* ah"

"You shouldn't have do that, next time don't do it okay?" Bell said, worrying about the girl's health.

(Y/n) nodded but then suddenly unexpected happened, (Y/n) tripped over a rock, Bell was about to catch her but when he did he lose his footing and fall backwards, the two closed their eyes, when they opened it they both blushed they accidentally kissed on the lips, they immediately pulled away from each other and apologized.

"I'm so sorry!"

"No, no, It's my fault! I tripped first! So I'm sorry!"

They looked at each other and laughed.

"We definitely don't talk about this, it's embarrassing."


But then it suddenly rained.

"It's not really my day today isn't it." (Y/n) sighed and both Bell and her laughed.

And let's just say that they both went to school dripping wet because of the rain, luckily they had extra clothes in their locker.

But unlucky they both got a cold when they went home.

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