chapter 41

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Hi guys! sorry for not updating lately, to be honest I'm lazy to write something at the past days.

Also I was planning to publish this in February 19 because it was my birthday but guess what? I completely have forgotten it!😅

My senses is telling me that I have forgotten something, but when I tried to remember it, nothing would pop out!

So~ here you go! Enjoy reading!


~water world stadium~

Raimon started the kick-off but the opponents steal the ball easily from Tenma and start running towards the goal, their teamwork is perfect not unstable like the other opponents that they have encountered.

(Y/n) goes after the one who has the ball, he opponent passed the defense and is now in front of the goal, he then goes for a shoot.

(Y/n) was about to stop him, until some unexpected happened, the water surrounding the field suddenly stops the opponent from shooting.

(Y/n) almost fell into the water but thanks to her instinct she manage to jump back.

"Are you okay?" Shindou asked her when he saw her almost fall into the water.

"H-hai! J-just a little shocked t-that's all." (Y/n) replied

"Be careful next time." He said as he put a hand on her shoulder, which made her tense.

"H-hai!" (Y/n) immediately said while blushing.

The commentator then explained that is a pitch down, some parts of the stadium can drop down in the water creating a hole, apparently it's impossible to predict it when it's gonna drop.

Both team are having a hard time budging the pitch down even (Y/n) and because of it Shindou couldn't create a strategy with his God's baton.

(Y/n) tried to closely observe how the pitch down worked but it's no use.

The opponent get the ball from raimon.

"Hissatsu tactics! God triangle!"

The three players of Kidokawa make a triangle dribbling towards the goal and each time the pitch down appears in front of them the one leading pass the ball to his teammates behind him to bodge the pitch down.

The score is still 0:0 and the raimon still didn't found any solutions to goal against Kidokawa, until coach Kidou call out Shindou and told him something.

Shindou nod and walked towards (Y/n) "coach Kidou has a plan to counter the pitch down" Shindou whispered to (Y/n), and she slowly nodded.

The match resumed as the raimon team pass the ball to each other while jumping mid-air to counter the pitch down.

Raimon arrived in front of the opponents goal but the Kidokawa team immediately block Shindou, Kyousuke, and (Y/n) from shooting with their Keshin.

Hamano bodge his opponent and pass the ball to Tenma but the player with the number ten steals the ball from him, the opponent then called out his keshin.

"Iron Horse Warrior Knight!"

He used his Keshin to shoot the ball into the goal, Sangoku tried to block it with his hissatsu but failed and the ball got into the goal.



Both teams are doing their best to protect their goal but if it's against Kidokawa's defense it is almost impossible.

(Y/n) is now getting frustrated, this is the first time she couldn't make any strategies, when she was still in Konoha, she and Sakura is the one that always makes strategies but this time she felt useless.

When the raimon get the ball, the opponent the block (Y/n) so she couldn't get the ball, the kidokawa team make another goal.




The end of the first half.


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