chapter 23

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"Why are we in the middle of the forest? I thought we were going to
(Y/n)'s house" Kurama asked but then his eyes widened when he saw how big the house is, or should I say the mansion.

"Why are we in the middle of the forest? I thought we were going to(Y/n)'s house" Kurama asked but then his eyes widened when he saw how big the house is, or should I say the mansion

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They then park the Caravan and walked towards the mansion, with Tsurugi in the lead while carrying
(Y/n), the gate then opened and revealed a lady standing behind it.

They then park the Caravan and walked towards the mansion, with Tsurugi in the lead while carrying(Y/n), the gate then opened and revealed a lady standing behind it

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"Okaerinasai, Tsurugi-sama" Kanna said while bowing at Tsurugi "Yuiichi-sama is waiting for your arrival" she added and Tsurugi nodded.

Kanna then lead all of them into the house and said to them that they are free to look around while Tsurugi walked towards (Y/n)'s bedroom.

(Time skip)

After Tsurugi put (Y/n) at her bed, he looked at her, she was still unconscious, but she is sleeping peacefully.

Just then a puff of smoke alerted him, when the smoke is gone, it revealed a miniature Kurama

Just then a puff of smoke alerted him, when the smoke is gone, it revealed a miniature Kurama

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"K-kurama!" Tsurugi said in surprise

"Don't worry kid, (Y/n) is gonna be okay, her wounds is slowly healing and the bullets is now gone, all she need now is to regain the chakra that she wasted" Kurama said at him

"Arigato Kurama" Tsurugi bowed at Kurama

"Your welcome, just remind her that be careful next time" Kurama replied and Tsurugi nodded, Kurama then puffed away.

"Don't worry Kyousuke, I'm sure she's going to be okay, (Y/n) is strong after all" Tsurugi heard his brother said behind him.

"Yeah, but I couldn't help to worry though" Tsurugi said, still looking at (Y/n)'s face.

"Eh~ is Kyousuke had a crush on
(Y/n)?~" Yuiichi teased and Tsurugi's face burst in a different shades of red.

"N-Nii-san!!!" Tsurugi said loudly and Yuiichi just laughed 'your really easy to read Kyousuke'

Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you like it

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