chapter 30

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(Next morning)

~at the soccer club~

"K-kageyama.... I'm Kageyama Hikaru!" The new student said who wanted to join the soccer club.

(Y/n) then saw the notebook of their counselor fell off of her hands with a shock expression along with coach Endou and their trainer.

"K-k-kageyama? By Kageyama you mean..." Endou says

"Are you really?" Kidou asked

"Yes....Kageyama Reiji is my uncle" Hikaru said

'what's wrong if his uncle is Kageyama Reiji?' (Y/n) thought clearly confuse at their reaction but then quickly snapped back when Endou questioned Hikaru the same thing he questioned to her.

"Do you love soccer?" Endou asked

"Yes!" Hikaru answered

"Then there's nothing more to ask." Endou said while smiling

'oh my gosh! We got a new member!' (Y/n) thought in happiness

"I'm glad you're joining Hikaru!" Tenma said

"Good to have you!" Shinsuke also said

"So, how good are you in soccer?" Kyousuke asked while glaring at Hikaru

"Kyousuke!" (Y/n) said and stumped his foot, hard. "You're scaring the poor innocent boy!" She added

(Y/n) then walked and hold Hikaru's hands while giving him a closed eyes smile, which makes him blush "don't worry about him, he may be like that but his clearly a softy from the inside, and if you need anything just come to me 'kay?" (Y/n) said without stuttering.

'Lucky! And She didn't even stuttered at him!' everyone thought

~during training~

(Y/n) were watching Hikaru trying to dribble a ball. He is indeed a beginner but less experienced the Tenma and Shinsuke back then.

"He is really a beginner" says Shinsuke

"He won't be any use in a games like that." Kyousuke said and walked away

(Y/n) frowned at this 'I want to help him' (Y/n) thought and walked towards him.

But then "Ek!! Hikaru-kun be care-"
(Y/n) warned but it too late when he already hit his forehead on the soccer net bar.

(Y/n) jogs towards him and then she hear Kariya laughing at the background and this make (Y/n) angry.

"Would you shut up!! Can't you see that he totally need someone to teach him!! I swear if Hikaru-kun hit his forehead at that net bar hard, you will have to pay for it!!" (Y/n) said angrily at Kariya which make her hair float in a ten different direction.

This resulted for Kariya to get frightened and he nodded quickly, he didn't notice that everyone is also frightened.

"Are you okay Hikaru-kun?" (Y/n) asked "oh, and don't listen to that idiot Kariya, his a prankster." She added and Hikaru nodded

"Oh! How about I'll be the one to teach you instead so we can get to know each other!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily but then her expression darkened when Kariya spoke again.

"What's the point of teaching him? It's not like he'll be useful anyway" Kariya laughed, the other teams gulped including Endou except Kidou.

"Why are you all so afraid of her?" Kidou asked

"J-just watch" Endou said nervously

(Y/n) then suddenly giggled which creeped them out.

'oh~ I got an idea' she thought and gigged again, she then turned around and faced Kariya smiling innocently.

"Hmm~ what do I do with you Kariya-kun?" (Y/n) said "oh! And just quick one question"

"W-what is it?" Kariya asked nervously

"Oh don't be afraid! No harm will done." (Y/n) smiled

'I doubt that' kyousuke thought

"What do you think is the scariest animals for you?" She asked, the others watched in the background of what will happen next.

"It's snake" Kariya answered

"Oh yeah I agree with you on that one" (Y/n) said while grabbing a scroll and a paint brush with ink out of nowhere.

She then started to draw something on it.

"What are you doing?" Kariya asked

"Oh it's nothing" (Y/n) replied at him but the when she finished she make a hand sign and said "Ninpo choju giga!" The snake that she draw then started to come out of the scroll and chased Kariya.

"Ahhhh!!!! Make it disappear! Make it disappear!" He said while running away from the snake.

"Say you were sorry to Hikaru-kun first" (Y/n) said

"Okayyyy!!! I'm sorryyyyy!!" Kariya exclaimed so (Y/n) disperse the technique.

"See~ it wasn't that hard" (Y/n) said at the panting Kariya, the others at the background sweat dropped.

'Girls sure is scary on their own way' all the boys thought


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