chapter 42

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Hi! My dear readers, I just want you to know that this story will be updated slowly but don't worry I will not planning to discontinue this.

Thanks for reading this!

(Y/n) walked to the bench while frowning, she couldn't do anything, she felt helpless, it was the first time (Y/n) had felt this way.

"(Y/n), here drink some water." Kyousuke give (y/n) a bottle full of water.

"Thanks kyousuke." (Y/n) drink the water and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Kyousuke asked

"W-what do you mean?" (Y/n) looked at him in confusion.

"You know what I mean, you use my name without a -chan when something is trouble you, I know you for a long time (Y/n)." Kyousuke stated

(Y/n) sighed "it's just that...this is the first time that I felt useless. Every mission in my hometown I was there for them when they need me, I was quick to analyze the battle so we couldn't get killed but now I felt useless." (Y/n) said as she look at her hands.

Kyousuke put his hand on her shoulder and kissed her forehead "don't worry, your not useless (Y/n), this technology is still new to you that's why. So don't be sad it didn't suit your pretty face and besides we're here for you." Kyousuke smiled but on the inside he wants to hide from embarrassment.

'what the hell Kyousuke! Pretty face?! Seriously?! You shouldn't have said that!! Now what will she be thinking of you now!' he thought but he was surprised when he saw (Y/n) smiling brightly.

"You right Kyou-chan! I shouldn't be sad! Thank you!" (Y/n) said she then saw a man in a white suit and hat with sunglasses walking towards Nishiki.

Kyousuke look towards where (Y/n) is looking.

"Nishiki" the man said

"M-master?" Nishiki turned himself towards the man.

"It's been awhile Kidou" the man said as he takes off his sunglasses.

"Someoka!" Kidou exclaimed

'Someoka?' (Y/n) thought confusedly, she then watched in curiosity when Someoka take the soccer ball and draw a red dot on it.

Someoka ask Nishiki to shoot the ball at the tree's center, Nishiki did what he was told and perfectly aimed for the center of the tree, they all can see it since the ball leave a mark on the tree. Someoka then give Nishiki a bento full of rice ball and Nishiki started to devoured it like he hadn't eaten for days which he reminded (Y/n) of Naruto.

"I'm changing our position for the second half!" Kidou announced.

Coach Kidou switched Kyousuke and Nishiki's positions, Nishiki is now forward while Kyousuke is now a midfielder.

Kidokawa start the kick-off and (Y/n) noticed one of them wasn't being cooperated with his teammates, so (Y/n) took this as an opportunity and steal the ball from him.

When (Y/n) got surrounded by the four opponents, she passed the ball to Nishiki.

"Here's my samurai spirit!

Sengoku War God Musashi!"

Nishiki call's out his Kenshin which surprised everyone, he then shoot with his keshin and goal.



"S-sugoi!" (Y/n) said with sparkles in her eyes, but she then shakes her head , she still needed to tell Shindou about something.

"S-shindou-kun!" (Y/n) called

"Yes? Do you need anything (Y/n)?" Shindou asked

"U-um...I-I noticed that one of them wasn't cooperating with the team, w-which is the one with a number 10 at h-his uniform." (Y/n) informed

"Got it I'm informing the others." Shindou said and goes towards Nishiki, Tenma, and the others.

The match resume as Kidokawa start the kick-off and as (Y/n) informed the number 10 player didn't pass the ball to any of his team.

(Y/n) take this as her change again and steal the ball from him and passed it to Nishiki.

Nishiki did another goal which makes Raimon tie's with Kidokawa.



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