chapter 6

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The raimon will participate in the holy road, but the fifth sector ordered that raimon will lose the first match to 0:2.

Shindou tried to leave the team but it seems like tenma and the others change his mind.

(At the next day, in the meeting room)

Everyone from the team gathered for the meeting against the match between Raimon vs Tengawara.

And of course Kyousuke also attended to the meeting to make sure that they knows the score of the match.

"Tengawara use a very solid defense formation, whether it comes to shaking them from the side or using long pass to break through the center.
Shindou! Your judgement as a captain in the match will be the key!" Endou said

Shindou's eyes widened and looked at Kyousuke.

"Coach, weren't you notified of the order from the fifth sector?" Shindou asked while looking at coach Endou.

"An order?" Asked Tenma

"What's the score Shindou?"  Asked Sangoku

"0:2 Tengawara win."  Kyousuke simply said.

"Coach, why didn't you tell us?" Sangoku asked this time to the coach.

"Because there's no need to tell you." He simply answered.

Everyone's eyes widened by Endou's words.

"We're going to win this match." Coach Endou Continued.

"Hmmp! Now this is a surprise, so your going to ignore the fifth sector's order, coach?" Kyousuke asked

"Who would ever want to lose a match from the start?" Ask Endou.

Sangoku stand up from his chair.
"If you do that, the soccer club will be finished for sure this time!" He said

"You love soccer right?" (Y/n) finally speaked but in her poker face. "Then if you do you have to fight and win." She added

"You have no idea what we've gone through!" Sangoku yelled.

'oh, I have been through worse' she thought. "If you just keep thinking that the soccer club would be finished, then that's your choice. But when you really fight for it and never give up, I'm pretty sure that you will reach your desire to play soccer freely." She finished, she saw that her little speech made them stunned, so she begin to panic at her mind but in reality her face remained emotionless.

'w-what d-did I do!?!?!? Oh no!!!!! I broke them!!!!' she thought

But then the silence got broken when he talked "no matter what, I won't let them decide on the results before then match." Coach Endou said

And there goes another argument between them, because of that everyone except Tenma and Shinsuke skipped the practice.

(Y/n) didn't practice with them though she just watched them.

After Kyousuke left, (y/n) also leave but she went to the riverbank for some practice, but not just soccer she also trained her clan's fighting style.

She then sighed and sat down on the stairs for a break.

"What are you doing out here?" She turned to face the person, it's Sangoku with his bike. 'oh no! I forgot to take off my disguise!' she thought.

"Training." (Y/n) simply said

"(Y/n) I have a question." He said

"Go ahead and ask." She replied

"Are you a.... Seed?" He asked

"Ehhh!!!!!!! No! I'm not! I just disguised to know why Kyou-chan decided to be a seed!!!!" (Y/n) said waving her hands in a fast pace.

Just then she realized what she said.

"Ahhhh!!! Y-you stupid, stupid, stupid (y/n)!" She said while repeatedly punching her head gently.

"You have been stalking Tsurugi!?" He asked.

"I-it's not what you think!!!!!" She said "j-just let me explain, but just a second." She added, she then went to a hidden place and released the transformation and run back to Sangoku.

"This is my true form." She revealed her true self

" She revealed her true self

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"Your.... your... your the girl that always get a perfect score they've been talking about!!!!" He said while pointing at me and (y/n) nodded.

"Let me introduce myself properly..." She cleared her throat "I'm Hyuga
(y/n) adopted little sister of Kyousuke, that's why I was concerned." He finally understand.

"But please don't tell him." She begged him "I won't, don't worry." 'Tsurugi has an adorable and caring little sister, your so lucky Tsuguri' thought Sangoku.

"What are you doing out here, by the way?" (Y/n) asked

"Oh, I went to shop to buy some food for dinner, I'm in charge of dinner today." He answers

"You can cook too?" (Y/n) asked excitedly

"Yeah, but only when Mom comes back home late." He said

"Want to come over?" He asked

"Really!?" She said but then blushed when her stomach growled.

(At Sangoku's house)

"Thank you for the food." (Y/n) said softly

Sangoku watched her eat, but then blushed when she beamed cutely, when she took a bite at the food.

"I'm home!" A feminine voice could be heard at the front door, (y/n) then saw a pretty woman coming in.

'it must be his mother' she guessed in her mind

"Welcome back your early!" Sangoku said

"The meeting ended early. Oh a friend? That doesn't happened too often." His mother said when she notice (y/n).

(Y/n) stood up and bowed politely.

"I'm Hyuga (y/n) first year a member of the soccer club where Sangoku-kun is." She said

(Y/n) and Sangoku's mother talked about soccer.

"(Y/n), which position do you play?" Sangoku's mother asked

"I-i c-can do any." (Y/n) replied

"I've never heard someone who can do any positions before!" Sangoku's mother said in surprise.

(Time skip)

"T-thank y-you for inviting me over Sangoku-kun." (Y/n) smiled

"Visit us whenever you like!" Sangoku's mother said "though are you sure that a cute and adorable girl like you have to walk all by yourself?"

"H-hai! Arigato for worrying though." She said



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