chapter 29

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"Kirino, I want you to stay on the bench" Endou said "we will only play with ten players only." He added

Everyone was in a shocked state.

'w-why ten? What is c-coach Endou planning?' (Y/n) thought

"Here, I thought this might help you" Midori said, this made (Y/n) snapped out off her thoughts.

"Thanks" (Y/n) smiled and went to the changing room to change.

'you got this (Y/n)! You got to lead this team to victory!'

(Y/n) walk towards the goal, she maybe can do any positions in soccer but this is her first time as a goal keeper and she will definitely won't let anyone goal.

"Hey (Y/n), I have a challenge for you"

'w-what is this challenge Kurama?'

"How about, you don't use your chakra this time, so you can get used to it"

'that's a great idea! I'll do it! Thanks kurama!'

"Anytime kit"

(Y/n) smiled at this. The match start for the second half, Gassan started the kick-off, new cyclone then appears and are protecting the Gassan players preventing them to steal the ball from them.

But Kariya use his hissatsu to get the ball back, but another cyclone got near him, (Y/n)'s eyes then widened when she got an idea.

"Kariya! Shoot the soccer ball in the cyclone now!" (Y/n) shouted "got it!" Kariya did as told to him and shoot it right in the cyclone.

"Tenma go for it!" Tenma nod and run  towards the cyclone.

"Spiral draw!" Tenma used his wind hissatsu to fuse with the cyclone who has the ball.

Tenma come out after that he's close to the goal to shoot with his hissatsu, Hyoudou summoned his Keshin but he got surprised when Kurama appears next to the ball and fuse with tenma's hissatsu.



"Great job (Y/n)!" Shinsuke said

"T-thanks!" (Y/n) replied shyly

The match resumed as Gassan do the kick-off, but this time it's only four of them to move, the rest of their team stayed in defense.

They keep changing formation and their movements are incredibly fast, Kariya tried to stop them but he got pushed away.

The opponents arrived in front of
(Y/n) as they use their hissatsu.

'h-here goes'

"Y-you won't get pass me!" (Y/n) said and blocked their hissatsu in one hand without using any of her hissatsu.

'I did it! Kurama! I did it!'

"Great job kit!"

(Time skip)

Coach put back Kirino in the pitch and they are now back to eleven.

The match resumed again but Gassan immediately steal the ball from Hayami and used their tactic's again trying to goal.

But this time Kirino ordered something to Kariya, Kariya dive in the opponent's tactic's and tries to steal the ball but the opponent passed the ball to Minamisawa but then Kirino steal it and passed it to Tenma.

Tenma then used his Keshin to score.




It was the end of the match and Raimon wins against Gassan.


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