chapter 34

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The match resume and Shindou pass the ball to Kurama that is a decoy, all the defense surround him to do the double wing.

Shindou pass it to Amagi who quickly pass it to Kurama to start the hissatsu tactics.

Kurama pass the ball to Kyousuke who was about to pass the ball to (Y/n) but they notice that she isn't moving and her bangs shadowed her eyes, this made the team confuse and so was their opponents.

"(Y/n) what are you doing!?" Kyousuke shouted but she stayed at her position.

~at the bench~

"Coach Endou what is she doing?" Aoi asked and the girls looked at him

"I don't know" Endou shook his head

~back at the team~

"(Y/n)!!" Sangoku shouted

(Y/n) dashed towards Kyousuke and stealed the ball, she then make a turn and now dribbling towards the Raimon's goal.

"HAH!?!?!" Everyone said in surprise

"What's going on!?!?"

"Quick! Don't let her goal!" Shindou instructed and they obeyed

"We won't let you get through (Y/n)!" Kirino exclaimed, (Y/n) looked up and smirked.

(Y/n) jumped up and kicked the ball towards their goal.

"(Y/n) what's gotten into you!?" Kurama yelled at her but (Y/n) ignored him.

(Y/n) then activated the flying thunder god technique and teleported to where the ball is upside down.

"Fire Phoenix!"

(Y/n) kicked the ball opposite to their goal and the ball is now surrounded with fire and the fire formed into a shape of a phoenix and it headed towards their opponents goal.

The Hakuren's goalkeeper tried to stop it but failed and it got into their goal.




(Y/n) landed to the slippery ice but then slipped and landed face first and groaned.

"Woah there!" Sangoku exclaimed and helped (Y/n) stand "Man (Y/n) you got us there." He said

(Y/n) looked up  at him with pinky cheeks because the cold of the stadium is now affecting her.

(Y/n) smiled weakly at him and walked to the bench, Aoi gave me a bottle of water but it's not what she needed, (Y/n) still drink it so she wouldn't hurt Aoi's feeling.

"You really had us there (Y/n)! You're really good at acting!" Aoi complimented (Y/n).

"T-thanks! M-me, Shindou-kun, Kyou-chan, and Kurama-kun really didn't tell the team so it will look convincing" (Y/n) said and started explaining to Aoi their plan awhile ago, the team including Coach Endou and Haruna also listening to her.


"Hmm! I have!" (Y/n) said excitedly

"I-I want to try something because fire is the Ice's weakness r-right?" (Y/n) said, they nodded so (Y/n) continued "S-so I'm going to act like I'm going to b-b-betray you and you t-three will also act like your a-annoyed, confuse, and s-something like that... J-just don't tell the team so it will cone out like I-I'm really going to b-b-betray you g-guys."

"Do you think it will work?" Kyousuke asked and they shrugged.

"It's worth a try" Kurama said and they nodded.

~end of flashback~

After (Y/n) finished explaining, someone shouted.

"Hey! Hold up a moment!" (Y/n) heard someone said from a far.

It was a tall boy with long black hair tail into a ponytail and he also has a dark brown eyes with dark skin.

"Nishiki!" The team shouted and run to Nishiki the famous player that played in Raimon before.

"Oh? A New player! And it's also a female! My name is Ryouma Nishiki!" Nishiki smiled

"N-nice t-to m-meet y-you N-nishiki-kun, m-my name i-is Hyuga (Y-y/n) b-but call me (Y-y/n)!" (Y/n) bowed

"No need to bow! Nice to finally have a girl in our team and a cute and polite one at that." Nishiki said and patt (Y/n) head.

(Y/n) hide behind Kyousuke and mumbled "w-why w-would t-they a-always p-patt m-my h-head? B-but e-even s-so I k-kinda like i-it." Kyousuke heard what (Y/n) said and he coughed to prevent him from chuckling.

"I'll do my best to help you all do the tactics!" Nishiki send a thumbs up in (Y/n) way.

"A-ah h-hai!" (Y/n) said and buried her face onto Kyousuke's back shit which resulted for Kyousuke to blush but he leave her be because she usually does it when she tried to calm her flustered face when they were younger.


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