chapter 14

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It's now Sunday (y/n) woke up early and got dressed at her formal clothes

She then grabbed her bag

And walked in the kitchen, she then makes something to eat, after she's done eating, she put some food at the table for Kyousuke to eat and put a letter so he knows that she was going out.

(Y/n) then went in to the hospital and walked straight to Yuiichi's room.

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Niisan, I'm going in." She came inside and saw Yuiichi reading something.

Yuiichi then looked at (y/n) then smiled.

"How was Kyousuke?" He asked

"His fine, but when I saw him getting along with the raimon team, I thought I was dreaming." (Y/n) said and giggles

"So you already know?" He said

"Hai! I was really mad at him, when he hurt all of the raimon team." (Y/n) said and clenched her hands.

"Their screams, niisan, it reminded me of our comrades that died in the fourth great ninja war..." (Y/n) cried, so Yuiichi hugged her and let her cry at his shoulder.

"So *sniff* I got mad *sniff* " she added

"Shhhh.... shhhh, it's okay, it's okay." Yuiichi comforted her.

When (y/n) finally stopped crying, she looked up at Yuiichi and got out of the hug.

"Niisan, you said you wanted to walk again right?" (Y/n) asked looking straight on his eyes.

"Yeah, but we doesn't have enough money for it." Yuiichi said "why do you ask?"

"I-I finally finished the medicine that I have been telling you." (Y/n) said and walked at the door, then she looked outside and saw no one  so she locked it.

"You-you did?" Yuiichi said in surprise

"Ehh!? Are you telling me I don't have the talent in me? I'm hurt." (Y/n) said in a teasing way.

"N-no! I mean, I just couldn't believe it that you really make it." He said

"Will, what do you expect to a medical ninja like me." (Y/n) said and opened her bag.

She then pulled out a siren and the medicine, (y/n) then injected the medicine to Yuiichi's feet.

"Your feet will be numb in a few minutes." (Y/n) then put her hand near his feet and concentrated, her hand then glowed green.

After a while she finally stops. "There all done." (Y/n) then turned to Yuiichi and offered her hand to him.

"Try to stand now niisan." Yuiichi then grabbed her hand and got off the hospital bed.

"Now try to walk." (Y/n) said and retreated her hand.

(Y/n) then smiled brightly when she saw that the medicine worked perfectly.

"I-I can finally walk again." Yuiichi smiled and turned to (y/n).

But then got surprised when she jumped and hugged him.

"You can finally walk! Thank goodness." (Y/n) said while hugging Yuiichi.

"I have to call the doctor for your check-up." She let go of Yuiichi and walked out the door.

Yuiichi walked back at his hospital bed and sat down, the door then opened and the doctor walked in with (y/n) following behind.

The doctor then started to examine his feet.

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