chapter 21

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~at Tenma and (Y/n)~

Tenma and (Y/n) started their journey back to their hometown, that is until they heard someone.

"There they are!! Catch them!" Someone said

They again chased (Y/n) and Tenma, after awhile of running, Tenma and (Y/n) stopped, because if they continue they are going to fall at a cliff.

The two raimon kids then turned around and saw that they are now cornered by the enemies.

"We got you now" one of them said "don't move or you'll die" they then pointed their guns at them.

*Gulp* "what do we do now
(Y/n)-chan?" Tenma asked

(Y/n) turned back at the cliff and saw that at the bottom of it is stones, they sure will die if they jump.

'if we jump, we die, but if I make shadow clones there is a lot of chance that we can survive' thought (Y/n)

"Tenma, in a count of three, you will jump at my back" (Y/n) said and tenma nodded.



Three!" Tenma then jumped at (Y/n)'s back, (Y/n) then made a shadow clone hand sign.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

A bunch of (Y/n) clones appeared and (Y/n) took this as a chance to escape.

While jumping tree to tree, (Y/n) activated her Byakugan.

"We're at the deepest of the forest Tenma-kun, I can't see the road

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"We're at the deepest of the forest Tenma-kun, I can't see the road. This is all my fault, gomen" (Y/n) sadly said at Tenma.

"It's okay (Y/n)-chan, it's not your fault" Tenma replied but when he turned around, he saw that one of the enemies pointed his gun at them.

"(Y/n)-chan! Their getting at us!" Tenma warned and one of the enemies fired the gun.


"Argh!!!" (Y/n) said and gritted her teeth, because if she is going to hold her injured shoulder, Tenma will fall.

"(Y/n)-chan! Are you alright!" Tenma asked in worry.

"D-don't w-worry" (y/n) said but Tenma didn't believe her, so he ripped a piece of his shirt and wrapped it at (Y/n)'s injured shoulder and (Y/n) grunted.

"Thanks, Tenma-kun" (Y/n) said

"No problem" Tenma replied but then again (Y/n) got hit by the guns bullet but she just bit her lip to prevent from screaming.

(Y/n) then stopped and make some hand signs.

"Wind release; Great breakthrough!"

The enemies then got blown away by (Y/n)'s technique.

"Hold on tight, I'm going faster" (Y/n) then jumped faster from tree to tree.

After they finally lost the enemies, they still continued to run but this time Tenma is the one that is holding (Y/n) because she has been bleeding badly.

While Tenma is carrying (Y/n), (Y/n) is the one that is telling Tenma to where they will go.

"Just go straight to this path Tenma-kun" (Y/n) said and deactivated her Byakugan because her chakra is running low.

"Just hang in there (Y/n)-chan, I'm sure we can get out of here" Tenma said and smiled at her.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm sure we can get o-out" (Y/n) said and smiled back at him weakly.

(Time Skip)

They have been walking at the road for hours and it's now night time, but there isn't any car or house can be seen, and they also didn't eat lunch because they have been chased.

Tenma put (Y/n) down and leaned her at the tree, he then put his raimon jacket on her like a blanket.

"T-tenma-k-kun, a-aren't y-you g-going t-to r-rest?" (Y/n) said while tagging Tenma's shirt.

"No! I'm not! And you can't stop me from doing it! I'm just gonna keep a lookout here if they come back so I can protect you." Tenma said confidently.

Tenma's statement made (Y/n) blush, but then she felt sleepy, so she closed her eyes and take a nap for awhile, even though her injuries is still hurt her badly.

'You really are something, Matsukaze Tenma' (Y/n) thought and then fall asleep, while Tenma watched her.

Thank you for reading, everyone!

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