chapter 13

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(Y/n) is still running towards the soccer club and she is now getting tired.

But then she remembered that she still have chakra left so she used it to boost herself and finally she's now at the soccer club and she can now heard all of her teams voices.

"Sorry I'm late coach!" (Y/n) bursted in the door.

"(Y/n)-chan!!" All of the team waves and greeted, she blinked and blinked, when she saw Kyousuke and everyone else is getting along.

(Y/n) then pinched her cheek just making sure she's not dreaming.

"Glad you could make it (y/n)-chan." Endou said while ruffling her hair.

(Y/n) then rubbed her eyes "am I dreaming right now?" (Y/n) asked

"No." Endou chuckled "oh." (Y/n) then slowly walked towards Kyousuke.

Everyone watched her move towards Kyousuke but the next move surprised them.

"YOU BAKA!!" (Y/n) punched Kyousuke at the stomach normally.

At the back ground the others winced.

Kyousuke crunched down a little while holding his stomach, (y/n) then hugged him.

"You baka! Please don't do that again, you know we can sort this out if you just tell me." (Y/n) cried at his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I just want niisan to get better." Kyousuke said.

"It's okay now, it's now over." (Y/n) let go and wiped her tears.

"So where were you at the pass two days?" Kyousuke narrowed his eyes the others then walked closer and also joined the conversation.

"Yeah, (y/n) where were you?" Shindou also asked

"Oh-um Itraveledtomount
canyonforthelastingredient." (Y/n) said in a fast pace.

"What?" Kurama asked, they looked at her dumbfounded.

"Can you repeat that slowly (y/n)." Kirino said

(Y/n) didn't want to repeat again because she knows that she will get scolded so she thinks a way to lie at them.

But when she was about to open her mouth she saw a big spider coming towards her.

But when she was about to open her mouth she saw a big spider coming towards her

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Her face turned pale.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" Endou asked in worry

"Ekkk!!!!" (Y/n) jumped on the shoulder of the people next to her and lucky for her it's Kyousuke.

"Kyousuke!!!! It's a spider!!!!" (Y/n) hold tightly at Kyousuke's hair.

"Where!?!?" The girls asked while looking around.

"There!!!" (Y/n) pointed at it and the girls screamed while hugging each other.

"Get it out!!! Get it out!!!" The girls including (y/n) said.

"Oh, geez your just scared of some little spider." Kurama got it and put it in a jar and walked out to put it in the science room.

"You can get off now." Kyousuke said and (y/n) got down but is still shaking.

"Your still not with it I see." He said

"Oh, look there's a spider at your shoulder." Kyousuke joked but to
(y/n), it isn't, so she fainted.

"Tsurugi!" Tenma scolded

They all sighed.


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