chapter 33

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When (Y/n) got back, this time Endou put her in defense.

The kick-off started really bad since the others aren't used to this slippery field except (Y/n).

Yukimura passed (Y/n)'s defense and used his hissatsu to shoot the ball.

"Panther blizzard!"

(Y/n) skated skillfully and tried to block the ball but failed because of the slippery ice and it made her slip.

Sangoku tries to block it too but when he did his timing was off to use his hissatsu.



The match resumed but the Hakuren players steals the ball again and pass it to Yukimura.

(Y/n) carefully watched Yukimura use the edge of his spikes and passed Kirino.

Now Yukimura come face to face to you.

"U-um...hi?" (Y/n) nervously waved

"You again." Yukimura said, (Y/n) nervously smiled and push the ball out of the pitch.

"G-guys use the edges of y-your spikes to the ice!" (Y/n) said to all of them.

"That's a great idea (Y/n)!" Kirino complimented "yeah thanks (Y/n)!" The others said

"E-ehh!? B-but I just observed them to help you all!" (Y/n) blushes and started poking her fingers together again.

"Aw! That's so sweet of you (Y/n)!" Kirino exclaimed "I-I'm n-not!" Said the flustered (Y/n) but Kirino only chuckled that makes her flustered even more.

After that Kurama tried to score but Shirosaki the opponents goalkeeper used his hissatsu to block it.

The match resume but this time they started to get serious and finally used their hissatsu tactics.

"Absolute barrier!"

The six players of Hakuren create a barrier of ice to stop Kyousuke who has the ball.

It stops Kyousuke and the ball leaves the pitch.

Shindou called (Y/n), Kurama, and Kyousuke.

"Let's use the double wing just like in practice" Shindou said but (Y/n) shook her head and they looked at her.

"N-no! Not yet!" (Y/n) exclaimed

"Why!?" Kurama asked

"We have to use it (Y/n), it's our only way" Kyousuke said and Shindou nodded

"N-no! J-just hear me out! If you will use it now, I don't think it will w-work because they still didn't use their keshin!" (Y/n) reasoned

"I think she's right guys" Shindou said

"So do you had any plan (Y/n)?" Kurama asked

"Hmm! I have!" (Y/n) said excitedly and (Y/n) then whispered to them what she had in mind and they nodded to each other.


What could (Y/n)'s plan be?

Well you will find it out in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading!🥰🥰🥰

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