chapter 9

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While following Kyousuke, (y/n) taked off her disguise ( I remind you, she is using the transformation jutsu).

He lead her at the hospital but when she was about to call him (y/n) saw a man talking to kyousuke, she then jumped quietly at a tree nearby, then cancelled her presence and eavesdropped.

"The holy emperor has called for you." (Y/n) heard the man talked with a red hair wearing all black suit.

Kyousuke stayed mute and followed the guy.

' let's just hope that nothing bad happened to him.' (y/n) thought in worry

'If anything bad happened to Kyou-chan, I'm going to destroy that place of yours. Cha!!!' said the inner (y/n)

 Cha!!!' said the inner (y/n)

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(Time skip at raimon)

(Y/n) arrived at Raimon, she saw everyone's already training, (y/n) didn't want to bother them so she sat at the stairs and watched them from there.

"Oh? Your already here?" (Y/n) heard Kyousuke said from beside her.

"Did you think I would skip?" She said in a emotionless tone.

"Tch. Anyway listen." He said seriously. "I will crush Raimon." He added

"W-what?" (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Why are you telling me this?" She clenched her hands into fists.

"None of your business." He replied and walked to coach Endou, (y/n) followed after but she hide behind the wall.

"Use me for the next match." Said kyousuke to coach Endou.

"Kyousuke-kun" (y/n) whispered and frowned.

"You?" Asked Endou

"Yeah" replied kyousuke

The whole team heard him and the team panicked.

"Okay, you will play." Endou said with a smile.

"I don't know what you've got at your sleeves but I will play the way I want." Kyousuke said making the things clear.

"I don't mind." Said Endou, still smiling.

'what I'm I suppose to do now? I don't want Kyousuke to hurt anyone.' thought (y/n)

Kyousuke was about to leave until Shindou stopped him.

"Wait a minute coach! He is a seed! It's beyond question that he will do something to stop us!" Shindou's voice raised at the coach.

"Maybe." Said Endou

"Then why? Aren't you the one who said we're aiming for the real victory!?" Shindou said

"That's why I'm allowing Tsurugi to play because we're aiming for victory." Reply Endou

"I don't understand!" Shindou continued

"By the way captain, just for your information. Your next opponents Mannouzaka Junior high with a score of 1:0, Raimon lose." Said Kyousuke

Shindou clenched his fist and frowned his eyebrows at Kyousuke.

"Got that?" He walked away, after he is gone (y/n) came out of her hiding spot and called coach Endou before they started to argue.

"Coach Endou!" She called loudly which makes everyone turned to her.

"Please! Put me in the match too!"
(Y/n) begged "I know I still don't know what is making Kyou-chan like that but....." She inhaled

"I don't want to see anyone to suffer anymore!!!" She declared, (y/n) then released her disguise showing her true self.

"I don't want to see anyone to suffer anymore!!!" She declared, (y/n) then released her disguise showing her true self

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"(Y/n)-chan!" Aoi, Sangoku, and Tenma said in surprise and happiness.

"So please let me play!" (Y/n) bowed, she then felt a hand on her head so she looked up and saw Endou smiling.

"Sure!" He said and (y/n) smiled but then "though, I think the gossips about you in Raimon is true. You truly are adorable in person." He said,
(y/n)'s face then exploded in crimson red and steam came out of her ears.

" He said, (y/n)'s face then exploded in crimson red and steam came out of her ears

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"O oh" just as Aoi said that (y/n) fainted. "(Y/n)-chan!"

Endou catched her just in time and they saw that she still has a red face.

"Is she okay?" Tenma asked

"*Sigh* don't worry she's okay" Aoi said

"How did you know?" Shindou said

"She fainted too when we talked at the roof at lunch." She replied then giggles.


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