chapter 19

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(Next day)

Tenma's pov:

I was about to go in the soccer clubroom but then I hear someone talking.

I was curious to what they were talking, so I hide behind the bushes.

"The boss wanted us to capture the girl that named Hyuga (y/n)" the man said, and that made Tenma gasped.

'why would they want (y/n)-chan' thought Tenma and continued to listen

"Why though?" The other man said

"All I know is that the boss wanted to capture her"

'I have to tell (y/n) about this' when tenma was about to leave he stepped on a branch.

"Who's there!?" As the man said that Tenma was about to run but the other man is already in front of him and they then grabbed his arm.

"Let me go!" Tenma struggled to get out of the man's grasp.

"Hey! I know you, you were of that
(y/n) girl's friend" the man said, which caused Tenma to freeze.

"Don't let that boy escape, we can use him as a bit" the other man said and the other man nodded.

~ at raimon soccer Field~

"The practice is almost over and Tenma is still not here" Aoi said to

"He still hasn't arrived?" (Y/n) asked and Aoi shakes her head "no"

"Maybe his busy" Midori suggested

"Yeah, maybe that's the reason" Aoi said while nodding

(Y/n) then saw Kyousuke walked towards them.

"Kyou-chan!" (Y/n) called and Kyousuke walked closer towards them.

"What is it (y/n)?" Kyousuke asked while ruffling (y/n)'s hair.

"Moo~ I'm not a child anymore! Stop it!" (Y/n) said pouting "anyway! Did you see tenma lately?" She asked

"No" Kyousuke also shakes his head

*Sigh* "Maybe your right Midori-senpai" (y/n) said

"Or maybe, tenma is at the Riverbank practicing and just forgotten about the practice today" Akane also suggested

"That's a possible reason for Tenma" Kyousuke said

(Time skip)

After practice all of the team went home except (y/n) who is still inside the clubroom, she arranged her things inside her locker because she didn't want to carry it today.

When she was about to go home, she saw something shining at the distance.

(Y/n) was curious and what to find out what is it, so she walked towards it. When (y/n) finally saw it, her eyes widened.

"Isn't this Tenma's phone?" (Y/n) asked herself and picked Tenma's phone "but this isn't here before" she added

(Y/n) then closed her eyes pretending to think, but in reality she is sensing if someone is there with her. 'five... four of them I didn't recognize, and the other one is Tenma, that means he has been captured!'

The enemy took this an opportunity and about to inject (y/n), so they can put her to sleep.

"(Y/n)-chan!! Look out!!!" Tenma shouted

Before the man can inject it to (y/n), (y/n) immediately turn around and strike the man's stomach with her strength, the strike made the man lose his consciousness.

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