Special chapter

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(Y/n) meets her keshin
(She's still a child)

(Y/n) woked up when she heard a voice called her.



So being a curious little girl she is she followed because she has a feeling that this voice know something and she what to know what.

She keeps following the voice and it leads her in a dark forest, she walked inside without any fair and still following the voice.

After a while she stopped at a clearing

There (y/n) saw a beautiful girl with butterfly wings and a wand

"U-um... A-are y-you t-the o-one w-who w-was c-calling m-me?" (Y/n) asked

The girl then smiled, "yes, I called you here to tell you something." She said softly

"G-go on." (Y/n) said

"I'm your keshin but I am a special one, you can use me any time you want, I am stronger of most of the keshin. Do you (y/n) accept me as part of you?" She asked

"H-hai!" (Y/n) nodded, the girl then put her forehead at (y/n)' forehead too, it then glowed a (f/c) but it then quickly vanish.

"H-how can I summon you?" (Y/n) asked

"You just have to say is ' come out my keshin! Butterfly Goddess!' and then I will come out." She said and smiled "but when you would like to train, just say book and a book will come out and shows all the information about how to use the powers of all the Kenshin."

"Do you know why I got here?" (Y/n) asked

"Well, when you got killed at the shinobi world, you got a second chance here and got reborn." She said

"Can.... can I see them? Just one last chance as a goodbye?" (Y/n) begged.

"You can, but this is your last chance, so don't waste it." (Y/n) nodded

(At the naruto world)

"We-we did it!" Naruto said happily but then frowned sadly

"Yeah, we did but our team is now incomplete." Sakura said sadly

"(Y/n) sacrificed herself to save us all by using her chakra chains to hold the ten tailed beast and saved Neji from getting stabbed." She added.

They all loved (y/n), they want to confess to her that they love her and Hinata knows that, that's why when they tried to confess to her she would cut them off and dragged her away making a fake excuse for her to come.

Hinata is so protective at (y/n), she didn't want them to ruin her little twin sister's innocent.

"(Y/n)-channnnnn!!!" Hinata screamed

Just then a swirling butterflies could be seen at the sky. They then saw someone came out of it.

"What's that?" Kiba asked

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!" Shouted a familiar voice

Naruto then jumped and catches (y/n)

(Y/n) then slowly opened her eyes and first saw Naruto.

"Naru?" She asked "it's me (y/n)-chan" smiled Naruto, they then landed at the ground safely.

He then put (y/n) gently.

"Hey! Naruto what was that!?" Asked Kiba while running towards them with the others.( The rookie nine, Tsunade, Kakashi, and Neji's team)

"It better not be a fight ag-!" Sakura stopped and her eyes widened in shock, so is all of them

"It's really is you!" (Y/n) said then cried

"(Y/n)!!!" Hinata quickly hugged her, and the others followed.

"We're so worried! Please don't do that again!" Ino said while hugging

"G-gomen *sniff* but I-I *sniff* can't stay here anymore *sniff*" (y/n) cried

"Why?" Kakashi asked

"I-I don't belong here anymore, I just came here to say goodbye to you all *sniff*" she added

"That can't be true! You belong here! (Y/n)!" Neji said seriously

"I'm sorry, but-" (y/n) was cut off by Shikamaru. "Don't say it, we understand, but we still have something to say to you (y/n)." They then let go of the hug

"When we first meet you, we thought that you are just a normal girl and also a fangirl, but you prove it by your kindness, you treat people equally...." Said Shikamaru

"Your not just a pretty, cute and adorable girl, but your also had a gold heart..." Continued Sakura

"Your also a good student..." Said Tsunade

"Your also a hard-working girl and never gives up..." Said Kakashi

"And not also that, you also put yourself before the others...." Said Gaara and caressed (y/n) cheek.

"We really wanted to tell you this a long time ago but Hinata always interrupted us." Sasuke grumbled

"So we're gonna have to say it now." Lee continued

"We really love you (y/n)-chan!!"

They all said all together except Tsunade she's just watching the scene with a smile.

Hinata then given her a box.

"Here (y/n)-chan they really worked hard to find all the things they want to give to you

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"Here (y/n)-chan they really worked hard to find all the things they want to give to you." She said

"Thank you, minna-san, I'll treasure it." When she said that she started to fade.

"(Y/n)-chan!" They hugged her again afraid to let go "please don't forget about us!" They said "I won't." She said while smiling brightly and then she completely disappeared.


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