chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s pov:

After we finally settled at our new home with Kyousuke of course but at first he was surprised at how big our new house is and second his also surprised when he saw Yuiichi and then we celebrated.

~the next day~

Now I'm walking to get some fresh air but then I saw Tenma practicing, so I called his name.

"Tenma!" I shouted

Tenma stopped and looked at my direction.

"Oh! Hey (y/n)-chan!" He smiled at me but I noticed a small blush at his cheeks but shrugged it off 'I must just be imagining.'

"Still practicing?" I asked

"Yeah, I want to create another hissatsu technique before the match arrives." He replied

"How about I'll help you?" She said and grabbed the ball.

"That would be amazing!" Tenma said

"Okay try and steal the ball from me!" (Y/n) put the ball at her feet.

Tenma nodded and run towards (y/n) to steal the ball, while (y/n) is bodging him.


"Tenma! Let's take a break." (Y/n) said while panting.

Tenma then fall towards the ground, tired.

"A-are you okay Tenma-kun?" (Y/n) asked concerned

"I-I'm fine, j-just tired" Tenma said while smiling at her

"Hey! What are you two doing?" Someone asked

(Y/n) looked at the sounds direction and saw coach Endou.

"W-were practicing!" (Y/n) said loud enough for Endou to hear.

Endou walked towards them, as (y/n) helped Tenma up.

"It's late you two! You shouldn't be staying here late" said coach Endou

"W-we're sorry coach Endou, we totally forgot about the time" (y/n) said while looking down.

"How about you two drop at my place for dinner! I'll call your parents if it's necessary!" Endou said

"At your place? is that okay?" Tenma asked

"I-I'll just text my brothers coach"
(y/n) said and got her phone then texted her brothers that she was going to Endou's place.

"Sure!" Answered endou, he then takes out his phone and called someone.

"It's me, I'm bringing two guests, both of them are from the soccer club, add two mat at the table kay?" Endou then ended the call and looked at us.

"Let's go!" He smiled

"Coach, who are you calling?" Tenma asked

"My wife" he said while pointing at his self

"Coach your married!?!?"


Both (y/n) and tenma said


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